Hormone research

Hormone tests are performed when there are suspicions that a hormonal imbalance has occurred in the body. There can be many reasons for this. Abnormal hormone levels can, for example, cause a woman to miscarry. Hormone tests should be performed after one year of trying for a child. They detect irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Blood hormone tests

Hormone research are made from a sample blood taken from a vein in the arm. The test is simple and we will get the result a few days after the download at the latest. Keep in mind that you test your hormones blood in women, it should be performed at a specific point in the cycle. Only then will the results be meaningful, as hormones may fluctuate on other days. The most common measurements are estrogens, progesterone, as well as testosterone and prolactin. Additionally, thyroxine is also performed. Interpreting hormone testsalways refer to the standards stated in the printout.

Male hormone research

Hormones play an important role not only in the female body. Men should also check their concentration from time to time. In the event of abnormalities in the results, an endocrinologist should be consulted, who, when interpreting the results, will take into account the overall clinical picture of the patient. When hormones u men? It is very often done when a man discovers female characteristics or fertility problems. In case of men the moment at which the tests were performed does not matter. It can be any, but it is worth planning so that the blood sample is taken between 7 and 10 am.

To take care of their health and well-being, men can use the YANGO Liquid Multivitamin for Men, which is available after the promotion on Medonet Market.

Hormone research – menopause

The menopausal process, which can last anywhere from three to eight years, is the moment when the female body gradually declines in the amount of female sex hormones. This is an amazing shock for the body – the hormonal balance is disrupted. An irregular menstrual cycle is observed in women approaching the menopause. It is getting shorter and shorter, and the bleeding gradually becomes less and less heavy, to stop completely one month. Additionally, the woman complains of hot flashes, cold sweats and depression. She has memory problems, fatigue and sleep problems. In case of suspicion menopause commissions hormone tests pituitary gland, as well as ovarian hormones. It is important that the level of pituitary hormones is achieved on the 3-5th day of the cycle, while the ovarian hormones only around the 21st day. Often, thyroid hormone tests and a lipid profile are also performed. The latter test will reveal the value of both bad and good cholesterol. It is also important to control blood sugar levels. Occasionally, your doctor may decide to use HRT, but you should have liver tests and kidney checks before starting treatment.

As an aid in the fight against ailments related to menopause, it is worth using Ashwagandha for women – a Panaseus dietary supplement based on natural ingredients.

Also read: Gynecologists: Hormones Good for Ladies in their Fifties

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