Hormone of happiness
There is an expression: if you want to be happy, be it. However, there are not so many happy people – we are more likely to be depressed. And all because we sometimes corny lack the necessary hormones.

Psychologists say that a person’s mood depends on himself. To enjoy life and be happy, one must approach life philosophically. They say you need to follow two rules:

  • Don’t worry about trifles.
  • All nonsense.

However, scientists do not agree with them: you can persuade yourself to be happy as much as you like, but it is unlikely to succeed. Because very specific chemicals are responsible for your mood, which are called hormones of happiness or joy.

What is the name of the hormone of happiness

There are four of them, each of them, one way or another, is responsible for our positive attitude, but at the same time they have their own specifics.


It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. And in his “merits” is a sense of satisfaction from food, sex and tactile contacts. Thanks to him (and also oxytocin) we fall in love, he also forms maternal love and a sense of affection.

In addition, dopamine is responsible for our motivation, since it is most often produced not at the moment of pleasure itself, in the process of waiting for it. That same euphoria that precedes something very pleasant – this is the action of dopamine. It is an activator, induces to action.


But this hormone, on the contrary, inhibits our nervous system. But at the same time, it is also responsible for positive emotions. An example of this is male ejaculation. If there is little serotonin in the body, it comes quickly, and, as you know, few people are happy about a false start. And if serotonin is in abundance, ejaculation does not occur immediately, which means that the pleasure of sex will last longer.

During ecstasy and euphoria, the level of this hormone is always high. And with its lack comes depression. By the way, in order for serotonin to be produced in the body in sufficient quantities, ultraviolet light is needed. That is why we are prone to depression in winter when there is little sun.


This hormone is responsible for sexual arousal and satisfaction. It also reduces fear, anxiety, is responsible for love (including maternal) and friendship.

In men, oxytocin increases the level of trust in people, sometimes even excessively – a man whose body has a lot of this hormone easily forgives deceit.

And now for women, note: among other things, oxytocin is responsible for … generosity. Well, I mean, the connection is this: sex increases oxytocin, and oxytocin increases generosity. And another interesting fact: animal studies have shown that high doses of this hormone in the body make it immune to alcohol. Experts believe that it can help in the treatment of alcohol dependence. So now you know how to get a sober and generous husband.


This includes a whole group of hormones that are responsible for our euphoria. By the way, the name “endorphins” comes from two words: “endo” – inside and morphine. That is, this is our internal morphine. Yes, the same drug. And all because the action of endorphins is very similar to the action of stimulants from the group of opiates.

Endorphins in the human body are produced in response to stressful situations. They are produced in large quantities during orgasm. They also reduce muscle pain after exercise.

How to develop the hormone of happiness

Ways to increase happiness hormones in the body as a whole correlate with a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise regularly

Physically active people have higher levels of happiness hormones. Well, you know yourself – after playing sports there is always a feeling of satisfaction.

But even more hormones of happiness are produced if you play sports in groups. With single lessons, they are formed less.

Have sex

All hormones of happiness and joy are produced in large quantities during arousal, sex and orgasm. Regular sex life is the key to a good mood.

If you do not have a permanent partner, it does not matter. Studies have shown that self-satisfaction also leads to an increase in happiness hormones. In the same amount.

Get creative

A favorite hobby that brings you pleasure also provokes the release of happiness hormones. Sing, dance, draw, go fishing or pick mushrooms, go to the movies, museums or concerts, collect stamps or knit socks – no matter what you do, the main thing is to have fun.


Laughter also triggers the release of happiness hormones. Well, even if there is nothing funny in life – read jokes, watch humorous programs, comedies. Yes, even funny videos with cats! The main thing is that you have fun.

Popular questions and answers

We asked for answers to popular questions related to the hormone of happiness pathophysiologist, immunologist, nutrition specialist Alena Paretskaya.

Where is the hormone of happiness produced?

The term “hormone of happiness” refers to several types of biologically active substances that work together. These are endorphins (a group of opioid-like compounds that give a feeling of euphoria, pleasure), dopamine, as well as the hormones serotonin and oxytocin. They are produced in the brain, body tissues and blood cells.

Dopamine partly produced by the brain itself, and also comes from the adrenal glands, resisting the influence of stress hormones.

Serotonin partly produced by brain cells, but high enough amounts also come from the intestinal wall and are produced by platelets.

Oxytocin – This is a pituitary hormone, its high doses are produced in young mothers in the period after childbirth, while breastfeeding. But it is also produced in other people by the posterior pituitary gland under the influence of various stimuli.

Endorphins produced directly in the brain under the influence of positive stimuli in the presence of a sufficient amount of the amino acid tryptophan.

What foods contain the hormone of happiness?

Actually, the hormones themselves are not contained in the products, they are relatively unstable molecules and would be broken down in the digestive tract. But food contains amino acids, from which the body builds its happiness hormones. These foods include bananas, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, dark chocolate, hot peppers, and dairy products.

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