Hormone endorphin
One of the main “barometers” of a person’s mood is the hormone endorphin. Some quite simple actions can increase its level in the body of a man and a woman. This will make you feel better

What is the hormone endorphin

Endorphins are responsible for the feeling that a person experiences after an active workout, eating a few pieces of dark chocolate, or chatting, having fun with friends. These are chemicals in the brain that help you cope with pain and feel good in general. But what do we really know about endorphins?

Let’s start with the term “endorphins”. The name comes from two words: “endos”, which means “produced inside the body” and “morphos” – an opiate painkiller. So it makes sense that endorphins are a natural pain reliever for the body. But what are they?

Endorphins are a group of peptides produced by the pituitary gland and central nervous system that act on opiate receptors in the brain. These neurotransmitters (also sometimes called hormones) enhance feelings of pleasure and well-being, and reduce pain and discomfort. Have you ever experienced a rush of endorphins? It usually occurs in response to a specific event, such as eating, exercising, sexual intercourse, a stressful situation, or physical pain.

For example, if you’ve been jogging in the woods and sprained your ankle, there may be an increase in endorphins that will help you limp out of the woods to safety despite the injury. Endorphins are beneficial and adapt the body’s responses, it’s a natural way to reduce feelings of pain and stimulate feelings of pleasure.

So far, 20 different types of endorphins have been identified. However, the variants of endorphins that have been the subject of most research are known as “beta-endorphins”. These are compounds that promote good mood and pain relief and have an effect similar to that of the pain reliever morphine. Without these beta-endorphins, you are unlikely to cope with stress and pain.

Endorphins can have many positive effects in terms of health and well-being. First of all, it is a protective effect from the release of endorphins, which allows you to cope with a stressful situation. In addition, there are a number of other benefits of endorphins:

  • depression reduction;
  • reduced anxiety;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • regulation or modulation of appetite;
  • increased immune response;
  • pain reduction.

Regular exercise, such as moderate-intensity workouts for 45 minutes 3 times a week, may be a good option for those living with mild depression.

If a person does not have enough endorphins, they may experience the following effects:

  • increased depression;
  • increased anxiety;
  • extremely frequent mood swings;
  • increased pain and discomfort;
  • addiction problems;
  • problems with sleep;
  • impulsiveness.

It is also known that stress can impair the ability to produce endorphins, for example after a long-term dependence on alcohol.

How to increase the hormone endorphin in the body of a man and a woman

Contrary to what a lot of people think, you don’t have to run a marathon to get high on your workout, or do something outrageous to get your endorphins going. While it’s true that higher-intensity workouts produce more endorphins than lower-intensity workouts, there are still many different ways to increase your endorphins without having to run 30 miles a day. Below is a list of simple options with which you can kick-start your endorphin production.

Eat dark chocolate

Do you like chocolate? Then you’re in luck. Eating just a piece of dark chocolate can increase endorphin production.

Eat spicy food

Did you know that spicy food can increase endorphins? This is a good excuse to visit an Indian restaurant or pick a new spicy burger from the menu the next time you go out to eat.

Do the exercises

Regular, moderate-intensity exercise can help boost endorphin production. Try to exercise for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week.

Have sex

When you have sex, your body also releases endorphins. Not only do you exercise, but you also create a social, intimate bond with the other person.

Laugh more often

Do you like to laugh? There is probably a good reason for this. Laughter can also stimulate the release of endorphins, so try to laugh every day. Watch a funny TV show or spend time with people who make you laugh.

Watch a drama TV show

If you’re not in the mood to laugh, you can also watch a TV series. It has also been shown to increase endorphin levels.

Create or listen to music

Music is not just for entertainment – it can improve well-being and increase endorphins.

Get creative

As with music, creating art can be helpful in boosting endorphins.


If you don’t feel like running or exercising regularly, just dancing, even at home, can boost your endorphins.

Take a course of acupuncture

There is some evidence that acupuncture can help increase endorphin levels. This makes sense when you consider that acupuncture also stimulates pain receptors.

Get a massage

Just like acupuncture, massage can help boost endorphins. It doesn’t even have to be a professional massage – you can ask your partner to give you a massage, buy a massage chair, or use a portable massager to relax tense muscles.

Go to sauna

Did you know that sauna sitting also boosts endorphins? Sitting in the sauna, you not only get rid of stress, but also improve your well-being.

Use aromatherapy

Have you ever tried aromatherapy? For example, using essential oils while cleaning or turning on a diffuser to add scent to the environment can help boost endorphins.

Practice meditation

Have you tried meditation? Meditation is another easy way to boost your endorphins, and it’s very easy to get started. All you need is 20 minutes and a Youtube video to get started.

Get involved in volunteer work

When you do volunteer work, you not only do good for others, but also increase your endorphins. This is another easy way to improve your well-being.

Spend time with friends

Try to avoid isolation if you feel like your endorphins are low. Spending time with friends can make you feel better.

Popular questions and answers

Answered popular questions about endorphins endocrinologist Natalia Tananakina.

Where is the hormone endorphin produced?

Endorphins, or hormones of joy, are produced automatically in the human brain during stress or pain. These hormones make it easier to endure everyday difficulties and stress.

To stimulate the secretion of endorphin hormones, it is best to do something that gives pleasure. In this case, the human brain will begin to secrete more hormones of joy, and thereby help him become happier and calmer.

How do endorphins work?

The hormones endorphins act as a natural pain reliever, such as during childbirth. However, their levels may decrease if an epidural pain reliever is used during childbirth.

What foods contain the hormone endorphin or which can increase it?

Some foods can increase the level of joy hormones in the human body. These include:

• chocolate;

• ice cream;

• bananas;

• Strawberry;

• grapes.

Therefore, if you want to cheer yourself up, you need to include these foods in your daily diet. In addition, active sports also contribute to the production of endorphins.

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