Hormonal drugs: all the pros and cons

There are a lot of rumors and speculations around hormonal contraception today. Meanwhile, it is considered not only one of the most reliable methods of protection, but also a drug for the treatment of concomitant gynecological diseases, cosmetic problems, and even helps in the prevention of malignant tumors.

According to the all-Russian poll “Gedeon Richter Women’s Health Index” 2018, today only 16% of Russians take hormonal contraception drugs, 41% have never used them. At the same time, 40% of women admitted that they exclude these drugs only because they are afraid of side effects.

– The first question that a woman asks at the reception when discussing hormone therapy: will I get better? – says obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences Victoria Kasyan. – Let’s put an end to it: contraceptives do not affect weight. It all depends on what is on your plate and how often you go to the gym. That is, rational nutrition and physical activity are important. Many are worried about appearance, hair, body weight. And rarely does anyone come to discuss the risks of thrombosis. And this is the main thing! A woman should be warned that any hormonal contraceptive is a risk of thrombosis. That is why the doctor asks for so long what mom, grandmother had, etc. Heart attacks, strokes, sudden deaths in relatives under 50, vascular diseases, multiple miscarriages, etc. hormonal drug. But I want to note that the risk of thrombosis, for example, during pregnancy is higher – and after all, no one is afraid.

And it’s also important to understand. If something suddenly happens, it will happen in the first 3 weeks, maximum the first 3 months of taking the pills. Then the risk decreases. And the longer a woman takes the drug, the lower the risk. That is why you cannot take breaks between receptions, otherwise a failure may occur on some next course. You can drink contraceptives as much as you need – a year, two, five, 10, 15, 20.

“Unfortunately, today, if a woman or a girl needs information about contraception, she goes to her friends or to the Internet,” says obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Irina Shestakova. – To the doctor – only when something hurts. But this is wrong. Many people often simply do not understand the beneficial effect. Girls aged 18-25 usually use barrier methods of contraception (condoms). And half of them have acne, and they are unsuccessfully treated by a beautician … Meanwhile, I want to note that with hormonal contraception in 95% of cases, the girl’s skin improves 3 months after the start of taking the pills. Yes, 5% may not get the effect, then you need to work with a beautician, study the situation and prescribe, for example, vitamin A, if there are serious acne.

All modern oral contraceptives have medicinal properties: cycle regulation, bleeding correction, recurrent functional cysts, menstrual migraines, oily skin, acne, rehabilitation after abortion and inflammatory diseases. So it’s not just contraception, it’s medications.

There are, of course, contraindications. Among the main ones: 6 weeks after childbirth, a woman over 35 years old and smokes, high blood pressure (above 160), cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, heart attacks, unstable angina pectoris) and a history of thrombosis, extreme obesity, serious surgery.

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