Hormonal disruption in women symptoms

– If you suffer from chronic fatigue, headache, edema or excess weight, it may not be the problems at work and evening snacks that are to blame, but those whom we do not even see are hormones, – says the endocrinologist, therapist, candidate of medical sciences Bella Shurdumova. – Excess or lack of hormones affects not only our well-being, but also our appearance and behavior. You just need to take a closer look.

Insulin is responsible for lowering the concentration of glucose in the blood. The more it is, the more often you feel chronic fatigue, get tired quickly, cannot concentrate, remember everything badly. Excessive insulin inhibits the absorption of fats and activates the synthesis of fatty acids from glucose. And it turns out that in addition to irritability and fatigue, you also gain excess weight in all possible places.

Lack of insulin leads to the development of type XNUMX diabetes. Thirst and frequent nocturnal urination are warning signs.

Testosterone – male sex hormone. It is not difficult to notice the excess of the hormone. The woman’s voice becomes harsh, the oily hair on her head increases, it falls out excessively and at the same time grows where it is not necessary. Failures are also indicated by outbursts of aggression and sudden weight gain. Women who lack testosterone feel sleepy, lethargic, depressed, and overly whiny. If you are prone to sudden sobs, it is worth checking your hormones before taking sedatives.

Thyroxine – the main hormone of the thyroid gland. Increased sweating, increased heart rate, hand tremors, unhealthy weight loss speak of its increase. If there is too little thyroxine, the whole organism suffers. Excess weight and swelling appear. You cannot concentrate, you get depressed. The skin coarsens, becomes dry, the face is puffy, and a goiter occurs on the neck due to the enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Cortisol excreted by the adrenal cortex. An excess is indicated by an increase in fatty tissue on the face and abdomen. At the same time, the legs and buttocks remain thin. The skin on the body becomes thinner, more sensitive, wounds heal worse. People suffering from a decrease in cortisol experience severe weakness throughout the body, tachycardia, a decrease in blood pressure, suffer from nausea and fever for no apparent reason. A hormone deficiency is a dangerous, life-threatening condition.

Stg – growth hormone. It is believed that this hormone is only important in childhood, when we are growing up. But in fact, STH is also present in the adult body. Its increase cannot be overlooked – the body is changing: the nose and lower jaw become coarser, heavier, like the hands and feet. Such signs indicate a possible pituitary adenoma. When there is not enough growth hormone, changes in metabolism occur, in particular, uncontrolled fatty deposits appear.

Aldosterone – the main hormone of the adrenal cortex. With excess, an increase in blood pressure is noted. The person suffers from headache attacks, weakness and gets tired quickly. Dizziness, fainting, cardiac abnormalities, and severe weight loss indicate a low level of aldosterone.

Progesterone – female sex hormone. Its increase does not affect the body in any way, except that it gives the figure more feminine forms. The lack of progesterone affects the cycle, it can be irregular, intermittent or shortened. If the hormone is too low, the woman may have difficulty getting pregnant.

Risk group

If you have endocrine diseases in your family, be on your guard. Most often, hormonal disorders are a hereditary predisposition.

Past infections and stress are a trigger for endocrine pathologies. The advice is banal: take care of your nerves.

Once every six months, undergo express diagnostics, even if nothing hurts you. Contact a therapist and get a referral for a biochemical blood test and a study of thyroid hormones, they are the most frequent balance breakers.

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