Hormonal disorders – symptoms, causes, prevention. Can they be cured?

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Hormonal disorders are problems with the balance of the hormonal balance in the body. Hormones are secreted by various organs – problems with the functioning of an organ can lead to impaired secretion (reduced or excessive) of hormones. Problems with the endocrine system can lead to a wide variety of health problems – both physical and mental.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders can cause a lot of nuisance symptoms and ailments. Hormonal dysregulation is manifested by weight fluctuations (excessive weight gain or excessive weight loss), the appearance of excessive hair (a particularly troublesome symptom in the case of women), mood swings and, for example, a decrease in libido. There are skin lesions, mainly acne lesions and disorders of the menstrual cycle. The latter effects of a hormonal imbalance are particularly problematic for women wishing to become pregnant, as they can even cause infertility.

Hormonal weight gain is usually caused by an underactive thyroid gland or a disturbance in insulin secretion (so-called insulin resistance). Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland affect the metabolic processes in the body, i.e. the so-called metabolism. Their deficiency results in a slower pace of metabolism, and thus – gaining weight. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. If the functioning of the pancreas is disturbed, they appear hormonal disorders related to the secretion of insulin needed to maintain sugar at an appropriate level. They also appear when tissues react badly to insulin secreted by the pancreas and the body has to release more of it to deal with excess sugar. Too much insulin makes it difficult to burn fat and causes hunger pangs which result in weight gain.

The appearance of excessive hair (hirsutism) is caused hormonal disorders on the part of sex hormones secreted by the ovaries in women and the adrenal glands in men.

Also, a decrease in libido is associated with imbalance of sex hormones. The hormone responsible for the decrease in libido is mainly prolactin, which is released naturally after childbirth. If its level is higher in other life situations, it requires consultation with a gynecologist.

Hormonal disorders it is also about mood swings. Humor is primarily influenced by thyroid hormones and sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone – this is why many women experience symptoms related to low mood and mood swings before menstruation and during menopause, when the level of sex hormones in the body changes. Buy Thyroid tea now, which contains herbs that regulate the functioning of this organ.

A very serious symptom hormonal disorders related to the disturbance of the hormonal balance of the reproductive system is dysregulation of the menstrual cycle. The cycles become irregular and anovulatory, and menstruation may stop completely and become infertile.

Maintaining the hormonal balance is supported by lemon balm. Lemon balm – freeze-dried organic tea is available at Medonet Market.

Do you want to undergo tests for the diagnosis of hormonal disorders? Choose an e-package of hormone tests for women, which includes the analysis of indicators such as TSH, estradiol, FSH, LH, prolactin, DHEA-SO4, testosterone and SHBG.

Supporting women’s hormonal problems, you can reach for supplements, e.g. tablets with vitamin B6 and Solgar magnesium oxide.

The causes of hormonal disorders

Cause hormonal disorders there may be diseases of the organs responsible for the production of a given hormone (for example, the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland), natural processes in the body such as puberty and menopause, poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle, as well as stress.

How to treat and prevent hormonal disorders?

Treatment hormonal disorders an endocrinologist deals with it. Treatment depends on the underlying cause hormonal disorders. Prevention hormonal disorders it is primarily a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle – that is, ensuring the right amount of physical exertion and exercise in the fresh air – and developing effective ways of coping with stress. Diet and healthy lifestyle should be supported with supplementation. Medonet Market offers a set of natural dietary supplements for endocrine management, which includes:

  1. folic acid – regulation of the hormonal balance, support for fertility and serotonin production,
  2. B vitamins – support for the synthesis of GnRH and TSH hormones.

Supports the endocrine system, among others Mace herb, which he can prepare in the form of tea and drink it regularly. The mace additionally regulates blood pressure and improves well-being.

Hormonal balance can also be used for hormonal balance – a natural herbal mixture for her Lorem Vit, in which you will find the herb of the herb, yarrow, marigold flower, ginger rhizome and the fruit of the Chaste plant.

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