Horizontal cotoneaster: planting, leaving

Horizontal cotoneaster: planting, leaving

The horizontal cotoneaster is an evergreen ornamental shrub of the pink family. The plant is compact, with fast growing shoots and foliage. The branches are spreading, the leaves are round, green in summer, and turn purple by autumn. The fruit is bright red, small, ripens in early autumn and lasts until flowering, decorating the bush. It is used to create garden compositions and hedges.

Planting a horizontal cotoneaster

The plant is unpretentious, but prefers fertile soil. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, grafting. But he feels better with the method of dividing by cuttings.

The horizontal cotoneaster has red fruits

The bush is planted in late autumn or early spring. To do this, choose a suitable place, remove a part of the soil from the hole 60 cm deep and pour a 15 cm layer of gravel drainage on the bottom. Then the roots are covered with fertile soil or a special mixture, for the preparation of which the following components are used:

  1. Sod land – two parts.
  2. Coarse sand – two parts.
  3. Peat compost – one part.
  4. Lime 300 g.

Water well and compact the soil around the bush. It is unacceptable to plant the plant with the root collar deeper than the soil surface, as this has a bad effect on the growth of the bush in the future.

Cotoneaster horizontal care

Plant care has its own characteristics:

  • Water the plant once a month. During a drought, more often, up to 8 liters of water under each bush.
  • Fertilize periodically with mineral fertilizers. In the spring – 20 g of urea per bucket of water. Before flowering – 15 g of sodium sulfate and 60 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m.
  • Loosening the soil and removing weeds around the bushes.
  • Prune shoots regularly. With its help, you can give the plant a variety of forms, creating various decorations in the garden.
  • Carry out pest control – the plant is susceptible to insect attack.
  • In late autumn, prepare the bush for wintering. Bend the branches to the ground, and sprinkle with peat and dry leaves on top.

The plant does not like excess moisture, so it is not suitable for planting near water bodies. Feels good in sunny places. Used in group plantings and separately.

Due to its decorative qualities, the horizontal cotoneaster is becoming more and more popular. Beautiful pruning and bright colors of fruits and leaves give the plant a special charm. It serves as a decoration for the garden, making it well-groomed and unique.

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