Hops plant: growing and reproduction
Growing hops is straightforward, but it has many benefits. This plant has beneficial properties, is used in a number of industries, and information about it will help prevent errors in breeding and application.
Properties and uses of the hop plant
This perennial plant is found in forests and ravines in central Eurasia and North America. It has creeping roots and long, up to 7 m, curly stems with thorns. In the fall, old lashes with leaves die off, and in the spring new ones grow very quickly, clinging to any support and wrapping around other plants. The female and male flowers of the hop are different. The former are similar to cones collected in complex inflorescences, the latter resemble panicles.
The hop plant is used to decorate fences and walls
The special properties of this plant are due to its unique chemical composition. It contains amino acids, iron, essential oil, tannins. The richest in nutrients are cones, used for various purposes. On their basis, shampoos and balms are produced that strengthen hair, remedies for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The plant is used in the perfumery and food industries.
In moderate quantities, hops normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of internal organs. But it absorbs toxic substances from the air and soil, so care should be taken when using it.
For the preparation of medicines at home, it is better to use plants grown on your own.
Planting and breeding hops
This plant is surprisingly tenacious and unpretentious. Prefers shaded areas, protected from drafts. The soil should be fertile and well moisturized. Add organic and mineral fertilizers to the site before planting.
Hops reproduce in several ways:
- Seeds. This method is suitable for annual varieties. Seeds are simply sown in dug up and fertilized soil.
- Root shoots. Cuttings with buds 15 cm long are cut from the rhizome and planted with a slight slope.
- By dividing the bush. An old, at least three-year-old, bush is not dug out, and in the spring, parts are separated from it with a shovel and buried at a distance of 1 m from each other.
If the plant has taken root, it does not need care. It tolerates frost and drought well. It is advisable to remove dried stems in the fall and make sure that the hops do not grow too much and do not cause problems to neighboring plants.
Having grown hops at home, you will be sure of its environmental friendliness and will be able to use it for the preparation of various products. At the same time, he solves problems in the design of the site, braiding a gazebo or hiding an ugly barn.