Hops: composition and properties. Video
Most traditionally, hops are associated with either alcoholic beverages or pillow cushions, used as natural sedatives. But in fact, the spectrum of its application is much wider, because hops and its derivatives are actively used both in medicine and in the beauty industry.
Hop cones are a treasure trove of flavonoids, which contribute to the overall strengthening of the immune system and even strengthen bone tissue. They also contain resins with anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, tannic acid, which helps to heal wounds, essential oils and more. The hop tincture contains B vitamins, amino acids and iron.
The soothing effect of the use of hops is achieved due to the valerian acid included in its composition.
Hops are used as both prophylactic and therapeutic agents. With the help of its tincture, they fight insomnia, disorders of the nervous system, increased excitability, and epilepsy. In this case, use a tincture of hops or hop tea, for which a tablespoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water.
Drinking two cups of tea a day replaces a sedative, and one cup, drunk at night, acts as a sleeping pill
A similar drink is drunk for colds in order to strengthen the immune system and relieve coughs. To combat the latter, rubbing of the chest with hop essential oil is also used. As a folk remedy, hops are recommended for relieving symptoms of toxicosis and seasickness, including in childhood. Hops are used both internally and externally. For gout, the crushed raw materials are mixed with lard or ordinary butter and the resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected joints. From the infusion of hops, cooked in a water bath, lotions are made for eczema. Hop has the properties to activate digestion and improve appetite, therefore, as a concomitant remedy, it is used for stomach diseases.
During treatment, care should be taken with the dosage, since an excess of hops can cause a rather severe poisoning
Benefits of hops for beauty
The addition of hop extract to the shampoo allows you to use it to get rid of dandruff and make your hair silky smooth. At home, the same effect can be achieved by rinsing the hair with a decoction of hop cones. Traditional medicine also recommends washing with a decoction of hops for skin problems, which will relieve inflammation and relieve abscesses. The decoction of hops also removes the oily sheen of the skin, for this it must be used instead of a tonic.