Film «Circus Butterfly»

Do not pity the one you believe in, and he will believe in himself!

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We received this letter:

“The site is interesting, the topics are cool, there is something to work on, something to think about and how to put it into practice. The only thing I didn’t find was an article — what is hopelessness, its causes and ways out, it would be nice to add material on this topic.

Hopelessness is one of the faces of despair, namely despair in the stage “I can’t do anything, I’m dead.” Hopelessness is a dark experience through which weak people harm themselves in order to take revenge on life and others. Decent people who take responsibility for themselves and those around them do not play the position of the Victim and do not allow themselves such experiences. If you ever can’t do anything for yourself, at least think about what you can do for others. As long as you are alive, you can do a lot.

You can watch the full movie «Circus Butterfly» here.


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