Hope is blue

By the time you finish reading this text, around 250 babies will be born. Two of them will likely be diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders, including autism.

There will be no cure for autism today, nor probably tomorrow, so everything must be done to make life better for people with autism. Unfortunately, social awareness of autism in Poland is very low. As the “Autism – my whole life” campaign showed, reactions to different behavior of people with autism can be cruel and harmful. A child with autism is usually judged to be misbehaved, naughty, even disgusted, and an adult with autism is a freak or “psycho”.

Autism is a mysterious disorder that is rooted in abnormal brain function. People with autism have problems with speaking, perceiving the world, and understanding social relations. They perceive sensory impressions differently. It is even difficult for us to imagine that the salt is sour, the snow burns, and that gentle stroking causes severe pain. But this is what the world of an autistic person could look like. And it is neither a worse nor a better perception of the world; it is simply different and deserves our understanding.

That is why there are initiatives to promote knowledge about autism. One of them is World Autism Awareness Daythat falls on 2 April. The SYNAPSIS Foundation, along with other organizations working for people with autism in Poland, will celebrate this holiday by joining the global campaign “Light up blue”. On this day, blue will be a symbol of solidarity with people with autism.

On April 2, the Palace of Culture and Science, the Śląsko-Dąbrowski bridge, the building of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Lublin Castle, the Town Hall in Kalisz, the Manufaktura in Łódź, and the Spodek in Katowice will light up blue. The Lighhouse and the Northern Gate buildings managed by Knight Frank will also participate in the illumination. Hyaat Regency Warsaw will shine in blue, serving blue drinks. Warsaw Department Stores Wars Sawa Junior also joined the campaign – the “Hot Heart of the City” standing at Pasaż Wiecha will be painted blue. The organizers are still receiving new declarations of commitment to the venture. We will start the celebrations with the start of stock exchange quotations, punctually at 9:00 a traditional ringing the bell in the WSE Quotation Room.

On April 2, blue will give people with autism and their families hope for a better life. Everyone can express their solidarity: illuminate the building in blue, add blue color to clothes, promote the campaign logo on the Internet (e.g. on Facebook) and financially support organizations working for people with autism (e.g. by giving them 1% of tax or a donation) .

Let us be blue on this one day of the year, so that each subsequent day becomes easier for people with autism. Find out more about autism at www.synapsis.org.pl www.facebook.com/fundacja.synapsis and www.youtube.com/FundacjaSYNAPSIS.

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