Hoopsie spruce: description and planting

Hoopsie spruce is a variety of blue spruce. She does not lose the shade of the needles over the years. Silver-blue needles look very elegant.

This variety can be called one of the most beautiful. Hoopsie belongs to the genus of thorny conifers. The trees grow up to 15 m in height. The crown is conical, up to 3-4,5 m in diameter. Annual growth is 15 cm in width and 20 to 30 m in height.

At the age of 15, the Hoopsie spruce grows up to 4 m in height

Features of the variety:

  • The needles of the tree are silvery-blue. Each needle lives 4-6 years, its length is 2-3 cm.
  • Spruce retains the shade of needles all year round. In spring and early summer, young shoots with turquoise blue needles grow.
  • The crown is dense, the needles are tough. Shoots grow in tiers, which makes the tree look beautiful.
  • At the end of spring, large buds of a golden-beige color are formed at the ends of the branches. They contain seeds.

Spruce prickly Hoopsie can grow in regions with severe frosty winters, since it has increased frost resistance. Urban conditions are also suitable for her. It is resistant to air pollution.

Spruce is undemanding to the soil, but with stagnant moisture it can dry out. Prefers sunny areas, in the shade the needles can lose their shade.

Pay special attention to the choice of planting material. It is better to purchase a seedling with a closed root system. Small trees, up to 60 cm in height, take root faster. If the barrel is slightly curved, this is not a big deal. It is important that the shade of the needles matches the variety.

It is better to plant seedlings in the spring. When landing, observe the following conditions:

  • Choose an area far from groundwater. Be sure to drain, pour sand or broken brick on the bottom of the planting pit with a layer of 15-20 cm.The depth of the hole is 50-70 cm.
  • Prepare the soil for planting spruce. Mix turf, peat and sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. Pour 100 g of nitroammophoska into the planting pit.
  • If you are planting seedlings in groups, keep the distance between them – 2-3 m. After planting, water the spruce.
  • Do not deepen the root collar into the ground, it should be level with the soil.
  • Avoid stagnant water and soil compaction in the trunk circle.

In the first years, feed the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizers for conifers.

Spruce of this variety can be used in landscape design. She looks in single and group landings. But in the latter case, keep a distance when planting seedlings. Hoopsie goes well with solid fir and Serbian spruce.

If you plant a coniferous tree, observing all the requirements, and providing it with good care, it will decorate your site for many years.

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