Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

In most cases, anglers catch zander on live bait. Here it is very important to choose the right hook, no matter what tackle is used.

As a rule, there are no special requirements, and the angler can choose the hook of his choice. Despite this, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances that, one way or another, affect the effectiveness of fishing. All recommendations do not take up many points, therefore, obtaining information will not be difficult.

When fishing for zander, you can use both ordinary single and double and triple hooks. The use of each type of hook has its pros and cons, so this will be discussed later in the article.

Single hook for zander

Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

The use of a single hook is more preferable than doubles and trebles for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is not so easy to notice it in the water, so the number of bites will always be greater.

In addition, a single hook has smaller dimensions, and it has less effect on the nature of the bite. In the case of a bite, a pike perch can prick on it only when it thoroughly swallows the bait. In this regard, we can also state the fact that pike perch bites are not only frequent, but also confident.

Along with the pluses, it is worth noting the negative aspects of the use of such hooks. The main one is efficiency, which remains the lowest. Due to the fact that the sting is one, the probability of catching pike perch is reduced by several times, compared with the use of double or triple hooks. Therefore, anglers note many gatherings, especially since pike perch have very powerful jaws and it is not so easy to break through them.

Single hooks are preferable to use when fishing with circles or vents, especially in winter, when the water is most transparent. When fishing in a plumb line, it is advisable to use jig heads with live bait on them.

At the same time, the size of the jig head can be within No. 2, 3. The size of a single hook, when fishing with live bait, choose #1-4, according to the international size scale. The most suitable are hooks with a long forearm.

Double for zander

Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

Most likely, the use of doubles can be considered as the best option when catching zander. A double hook is not as alarming as a triple hook, but it is much more effective than a single hook. In this regard, the number of fish gatherings is reduced, and significantly, due to its greater efficiency.

Doubles No. 1-4 are perfect for catching zander. In principle, the dimensions are the same as when using single hooks. When choosing doubles, it is better to give preference to hooks with a long shank. They are much more convenient to use: they are easier to pull out of the fish’s mouth, and it is also easier to bait the bait.

Special doubles are sold in the distribution network, the hooks of which have different sizes. A live bait is attached to a smaller hook so as not to injure it, and a larger hook is used to catch pike perch. Still, pike perch is somewhat larger and stronger than live bait, so it can easily break a small hook.

Triple hooks for zander

Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

A tee (triple hook) is considered the most effective when catching zander: if a zander has swallowed the bait, then he can’t get rid of it. The disadvantage of the tee is that it is highly visible in the water, especially in winter. As for spring or summer, when using a tee, it is absolutely justified. In addition, the triple hook takes up a lot of (relatively) usable space, which can cause zander to refuse to bite. And yet, the advantage of a triple hook is obvious: the number of fish coming off almost reaches zero, which is very important when catching fish such as zander.

Tees are selected the same size as the hooks – these are No. 1-4 and always with a long forearm. The ideal option is when one of the triple hooks is smaller.

The most reliable hooks

Hook for pike perch: which hook to choose when fishing for live bait, number

Currently, in specialized departments for the sale of fishing accessories, there are hooks that can be described as branded, as well as hooks from unknown or little-known manufacturers. As a rule, they differ in price difference, which immediately captivates inexperienced anglers. Cheap hooks are generally less than perfect hooks. They are either blunt or can be broken with ordinary fingers. Unfortunately, the angler finds out about this at the most inopportune moment.

There are a number of proven manufacturers whose quality of goods has not been in any doubt over the past many years. Many of the hooks are suitable for zander fishing.

As a rule, these are:

  • Snake;
  • Gamakatsu;
  • owner;
  • Dirty;
  • Hayabusa;
  • Saikyo: Kamasan.

The quality of the goods of listed companies is beyond doubt for many years. As a rule, the hooks of these manufacturers are strong and sharp, able to cope with any prey.


The basis of any fishing is the right equipment, which includes a careful selection of all the elements of gear. Hooks are no exception. Which of the anglers wants to have cheap and unreliable hooks, which make up a small percentage of the cost of all tackle items. As a rule, experienced anglers never skimp on hooks. You can save on a rod by using an ordinary wooden rod, as it was before, but never tie a “bare” hook.

The main thing here is to determine which of the hooks is more suitable for catching zander – a double, tee or single.

Effective bottom tackle for zander fishing!

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