Hood for barbecue: how to make a metal smoke box, drawings, assembly diagram + photos of umbrellas with original decor

Many have barbecues in their summer cottages, because in the warm season it is so nice to go out of town for barbecues or barbecues. However, many people use barbecues without hoods, which is impractical. In the article we will talk about why you need a hood for the barbecue, and how to do it yourself.

Device Requirements

The hood for the barbecue is a dome-shaped structure, the main task of which is to prevent combustion products from spreading through the air. This is especially suitable for those who have a brazier located right in the gazebo. Most often, the hood is shaped like an umbrella. A good smoke box will allow you and your guests to breathe in fresh air, rather than smoke from roasting meat.

Hood for barbecue: how to make a metal smoke box, drawings, assembly diagram + photos of umbrellas with original decor

The device has three main requirements:

  1. For effective removal of combustion products, the area of ​​​​the smoke box must be 30% larger than the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe brazier itself. From a small hood, the effect will be zero.
  2. The presence of a high pipe is another prerequisite that will allow you to draw out all the smoke. Such a chimney should be tapered and slightly curved in order to increase draft and get rid of all unnecessary elements. And do not lower it too low, it should be raised at least 2,8 m above the ground.
  3. A fan is needed to fix the effect and prevent the smoke from spreading through the air.

Video “Do-it-yourself forced hood for a barbecue”

From this video you will learn how to make a forced hood for a barbecue with your own hands.

Forced hood for a barbecue with your own hands.


There are several main types of hoods.

Classification according to material:

  1. Metal. Its undeniable advantages are lightness and ease of manufacture. However, a metal smoke box requires regular cleaning, otherwise rust and soot particles that collect on the hood will get into your food.
  2. Brick. It turns out strong and durable, but will cost much more than a metal counterpart.

By forms:

  1. Dome. It has the shape of an umbrella, is installed directly above the barbecue, as if hanging over it.
  2. Wall. It differs in that its entrance is shifted from the center to one of the sides. At the same time, one part is leaning against the wall, so this hood does not have the classic umbrella shape.

Based on the materials from which the brazier was built:

  1. Only a metal hood is suitable for a metal barbecue.
  2. A brick brazier will look great with both metal and brick hoods.

Simple metal version

The easiest option is to make a metal (or iron) smoke box. Now we will tell you how to do it.

The first step is to decide on the materials. You will need:

  • metal sheets (2–3 mm thick);
  • iron corners 20x20x20 cm;
  • screws;
  • rivets;
  • heat resistant paint;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • riveter

Next, draw a drawing. The optimal pipe diameter is 120 cm, and calculate the dimensions of the sheets based on the area of ​​​​your barbecue. Now let’s move on to practical actions:

  1. Sawing sheets of metal to fit.
  2. First of all, we make the base for the hood. Both sides are welded with corners.
  3. Corners for the back surface are welded to them, and then the last part is welded. The lower part of the frame is ready.
  4. We weld the corners of the back of the dome to it.
  5. Now we separately collect the “umbrella”, and separately – the pipe for the barbecue.
  6. Now the base needs to be coated with heat-resistant paint.
  7. From the metal we cut out sheets for sheathing and with the help of rivets we sheathe the base. Don’t forget heat resistant paint.
  8. First, a base is installed on the brazier, a dome is placed on top, and a pipe is already put on it.

Don’t forget the extras:

  1. Fan. Increases smoke extraction speed.
  2. Spark arrestor. Looks like a sieve, contributes to the attenuation of sparks. It is installed for barbecues that are indoors or in gazebos. Reduces the risk of fire.
  3. Grease trap. All the fat accumulates here, so the grease trap must be removable so that it is easy to remove and clean it.

brick model

You can install a brick smoke box. It is more expensive, but will last you longer than a metal hood. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Take 4 pieces of metal corner, which will serve as a mount for the hood. They are laid out on the walls of the barbecue very first.
  2. Lay the bricks of the first row perpendicular to the wall.
  3. Bricks of the second row are laid out in parallel.
  4. In total, you should get about 10 rows, and the last one should be the same width as the chimney.
  5. The chimney is laid out two meters high for effective smoke removal.

Decor options

There are various decor options for your hood. In principle, the main task of this design is to draw out smoke, but for many it is important to fit it into the interior. Therefore, we suggest considering the following options:

  1. Wild stone. Sheathing with such material increases the decorative qualities of the hood, especially if it is installed in the gazebo.
  2. Wooden panels. If your gazebo is made of wood, then wood panels will come in handy. Just do not forget about the thermal pad between the materials.

You can also try to choose a different material for sheathing or try to paint your smoke box.

Crafting tips

To get it right the first time, pay attention to the following details:

  1. The traction of the pipe depends on the section. For metal structures, the optimal cross section is at least 16 cm, and for brick structures – 26 cm.
  2. The pipe must be long, otherwise all the smoke will accumulate in the room and will not come out.
  3. If your barbecue is in the gazebo, be sure to treat it with a heat-resistant coating. Otherwise, it can catch fire from any spark, and you will incur losses.
  4. Do not use thin metal when making the hood. It does not have sufficient heat resistance and may melt. Because of this, the entire structure will have to be redone.

So, we examined various types of smoke collectors, as well as the features of their manufacture. Now you can make your barbecue trips even more enjoyable.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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