Woman’s day editors got acquainted with the latest fashion show in Hong Kong and came to the conclusion that a tight butt and a flat stomach are no longer in vogue. And then they almost quarreled, arguing whether modern models should look after themselves or be more like real women.
Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015 is Asia’s largest and second largest fashion exhibition in the world. That is, the level of the event is outrageous. But the connoisseurs of beauty were not surprised by the designer’s tricks … They were amazed by the models themselves!
No, no, this time no busty leggy beauties with perfect proportions. Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015 showed us not celestials with perfect shapes, forcing us to spit out another bun. Ordinary women walked the catwalk with the most real flaws. As if the models for the demonstration of swimsuits were chosen right before the fashion show.
Girls with small breasts made an “ah-effect”
A fashion show is primarily a show. After all, we must want the lingerie that the model shows us. The entire beauty industry is built on this – on the illusion that in these lace panties your 48th butt will look just as great. But what if these panties already look bad on the model? Because the model’s butt seems to have never heard of squats.
Round tummies disappointed viewers of the show …
We did not choose especially bad photos from the show – they are all like that. Although, maybe this is a riot of models who decided to declare war on a hunger strike and not miss any more dinners?
The models who participated in the Hong Kong show obviously neglect the rules of nutrition and sports. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to explain a bulging belly and a walking waist.
And the lack of waists just surprised!
Now the question we are addressing to you, our readers: is it permissible? Strictly speaking, looking stunning is the only responsibility of the model. Sports and diet are their jobs, for which they receive a lot of money. And if they don’t do their job well, they should be fired. It is personally unpleasant for me to look at fat models.
Fashion critics have already advised girls to take up the figure
Here is another portion of the photo – saggy buttocks, “ears” on the hips and even cellulite (!). Why were they entrusted with showing their underwear?
The shapes of many models really leave a lot to be desired.
30 minutes on a treadmill, 30 squats a day and dancing. Don’t like this recipe? Look for more challenging ways to tone your glutes. Or, I beg you, wear pants and don’t take them off!
Victoria’s Secret fashion show in 2014
By the way, this “beauty” is not the first fashion show in a row that haunts fashion-connoisseurs. Remember at least the recent Victoria’s Secret show. Fashion critics have broken more than one pen, describing the anorexic models of the brand popular all over the world. There are saggy priests, already familiar (!) Cellulite, ribs and stick-hands …
No, in the pictures of advertising campaigns “angels” always look perfect. An athletic figure, sexy breasts, Hollywood curls and perfect buttocks. But in life everything is not always perfect, and if in other stars we do not carefully examine their shortcomings, then in VS models they are striking.
If you look at the pictures in the lingerie catalog, the models do not have a single flaw, but at the show, where, unfortunately, Photoshop will not help in any way, it is quite easy to expose who is being carefully retouched.
Victoria’s Secret Angels in real life
“Are you jealous ?!” – you say.
Alas. We just state the facts and … gloat a little.
Who are we? Ordinary women. In the morning, we mask the bruises under the eyes due to lack of sleep, squeeze into tight underwear and hide excess folds or excessive thinness with loose-fitting dresses.
And we also do a lot of different, sometimes not always pleasant, procedures. All in order to get even a little closer to the ideal – the cover girl.
My verdict: celestials are not supposed to have flaws. What do you think?
Can models afford a saggy butt?
Why not? Fashion models are people too
I don’t even know … But looking at fit girls, in any case, is more pleasant
No, this is a disaster
I do not care
Why are you hooked on girls? They look fine!
Vasilisa Naumenko, beauty editor:
“Why not! Models are the same women. And they sometimes have pimples and excess weight appears. It is high time to stop terrorizing women with photoshopped covers of glossy magazines and start teaching the weak half of humanity to love themselves with all their shortcomings. In Europe, such things have not been made the subject of close attention for a long time.
And then, do not forget that designers are not only creators, but also businessmen. They are well aware that not all women who can pay for designer outfits have proportions like Victoria Beckham. That’s what they focus on. “