Description of the variety, photos and reviews of honeysuckle Raisin are of great importance today. Given that the culture was bred recently, it has already gained wide popularity, since it has established itself as a good choice for a gardener. Zyuminka is distinguished by excellent tolerance to cold and heat, unpretentiousness in care, as well as high resistance to diseases and pests.

Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

Edible variety of honeysuckle Izyuminka has high quality characteristics

Description of edible honeysuckle

Judging by the photo and description, the Zyuminka honeysuckle variety has the following characteristics:

  1. It bears fruit quite early, in mid-May.
  2. Bushes grow to almost 1,5 m with dense foliage.
  3. The leaves of the honeysuckle Raisin are oval, “close” a little, sharpen at the tip.
  4. The shoots are slightly curved, painted brown with a purple or lilac tint.
  5. It blooms with white “bells”, and this honeysuckle looks impressive during the period, for which it is often used for decorative purposes.
  6. Fruits in long berries up to 3 cm of bluish color.
  7. To the touch, the skin is bumpy, dense, but not hard, has a pale coating.
  8. The weight of one berry of the Zyuminka variety reaches 1,5 g.
  9. About 1-2 kg of berries are harvested from one bush.
Attention! Ripe honeysuckle Raisin keeps on bushes up to 3 weeks.

The fruits taste sweet and sour, slightly spicy, the pulp has a fibrous texture. They are often used in preparations for the winter – jam, marmalade, etc. Honeysuckle berries are also consumed fresh, besides, it has pronounced beneficial properties, has a beneficial effect on stabilizing pressure.

Honeysuckle is well adapted to winter. She is not afraid of sudden repeated colds, when other plants can slow down in flowering. It is noteworthy that new seedlings give the first berries after 3 years, after 6 years the fruiting is even more abundant.

Planting and caring for honeysuckle Zest

When choosing new honeysuckle seedlings of the Izyuminka variety, it is worth focusing on the shoots – they must be healthy, without damage. It is worth giving preference to specimens with closed roots, that is, those that are in pots, containers. It is believed that such seedlings quickly adapt and take root in the new land. If you had to purchase plants with open roots, they must be soaked in a solution that promotes growth.

An excess of moisture honeysuckle Zest does not like acidic soil either. The landing site should be as lit as possible, not shady. If the land on the site has a high acidity, the place for seedlings is mixed with ash or dolomite flour. In the presence of groundwater, a drainage system will have to be created.

Plant honeysuckle bushes in autumn. Spring planting is not recommended, because during this period the plant begins to actively grow, the seedlings will not have time to get comfortable. In August, the Kamchatka Zizuminka honeysuckle goes into a dormant state, so there will be enough time to adapt. The earth is prepared in advance by adding organic fertilizers – humus, wood ash, superphosphate. Minerals are undesirable.

Pollinators of honeysuckle variety Izyuminka

Honeysuckle variety Izyuminka has an interesting feature – it needs pollinators in the form of other varieties of the same crop. Moreover, the group should contain 3 different instances of bushes. In this case, it is important to observe a couple of conditions:

  1. You need to purchase varieties that bloom at the same time;
  2. You should not take those bushes that bear fruit in similar terms.

Thus, the following varieties are considered ideal options for honeysuckle Zyuminka:

  1. Variety Altair is a medium-sized bush with a dense spherical crown. The berries are medium-sized, sweet with juicy pulp. Fruits well, does not crumble.
    Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

    The type of crop is very resistant to pests and diseases.

  2.  Variety Viola good because it does not get sick and does not attract pests. Rounded dense bush with large oval fruits, narrowed upwards.
    Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

    The skin of the berries is thin, the pulp is hard, fibrous, ripe fruits almost do not fall off.

  3. Variety Sorceress medium tall, with straight strong branches. The fruits are large, long, oval with thin skin. Sweet taste.
    Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

    Ripe berries almost do not crumble, and the variety itself is drought resistant


The best breeding option for honeysuckle Raisin is cuttings. Harvesting is done around the end of May, during the formation of fruit ovaries. Suitable branches are checked by bending: soft unbreakable stems will not fit, they still have little strength, they will not survive; a twig that breaks with a crunch is ideal.

The stalk should be up to 12 cm long with several internodes – with a bud and a leaf. The lower leaves are removed, the rest are cut in half. The stem itself is cut from below at an angle of 45 °. The top is cut at a right angle so that a length of about 1,5 cm remains from the kidney.

Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

The seedling is ready for planting when it has a stable root system.

The stalk is then dipped in water, preferably with a mixture that promotes root growth, which is bought at a flower shop. When the roots are lowered, the cutting is transferred to the ground – purchased soil or mixed independently: peat (1) and sand (3).

Create greenhouse conditions with high humidity and air temperature + 20-25 °C. In the same year or next spring, a small seedling is transferred to the main planting site.

They also resort to dividing the bush. To do this, they dig out one whole plant, shake off the soil from the roots, and separate several branches. Then, with a disinfected pruner or garden file, cut off part of the root with branches. Sprinkle slices with wood ash.

Attention! This method of propagating honeysuckle of the Zyuminka variety is suitable for a plant under 6 years old.
Honeysuckle Zest: pollinators, planting and care, reviews of gardeners

When propagating, it is important to follow the pattern of dividing the bush so as not to damage it.

The bush is transplanted to a new place, which is regularly watered, the soil is loosened, fertilized if necessary.

Diseases and pests

Like most plants, honeysuckle is susceptible to some diseases and pests. Its main enemy is aphids, the signs of the appearance of which are reflected in the appearance of the bush. The foliage turns yellow, curls, becomes stained. The parasite sucks the juices of the plant, it noticeably weakens, naturally, fruiting suffers.

Ways to fight are varied:

  1. Mechanical – pruning of the individual most affected branches, which are then treated with clay, garden pitch and other mixtures.
  2. Folk – the most common option, for which laundry soap is dissolved in water, then foliage and stems are sprayed. But it is suitable in the early stages of infection or as a prophylaxis.
  3. Chemical – a dangerous, although the most effective way to combat diseases and pests of honeysuckle. But they have limitations – processing is carried out in early spring before the buds begin to bloom, or after collection.
Attention! It will not be superfluous to attract insects that eat aphids, such as ladybugs or ants, to the garden.


Description of the variety, photos and reviews of honeysuckle Zest – common among gardeners. The plant is very popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness, productivity and even decorative properties. The berries are sweet-sour, large, have a medicinal effect on the human body. The bushes themselves are beautiful, often used in landscape design. The culture is one of the most unpretentious, resistant to cold and disease.

Reviews of the honeysuckle varieties Izyuminka

Filippenko Tatyana Alekseevna, 41 years old, Kharkov
I grow three different varieties of honeysuckle nearby, along with Zest. They self-pollinate, I don’t bother at all about this. They winter well, and the cuttings take root without any problems at all. The most unpretentious plants also give fruits, which we eat with the whole family just like that and close jams for the winter.
Emelyanov Sergey Andreevich, 38 years old, Ryazan
The honeysuckle of this variety really has its own zest – the wife and children regularly leave for the country, and upon their return they bring fresh berries and rolled up in jars. Having tried jam from this variety for the first time, I felt like I was in childhood when my grandmother cooked the same. Soon he himself began to go to help, but it turned out that there was nothing to do, if only to seat him so that there were more bushes. You don’t even need to really prepare for the winter, he poured sawdust, but bandaged it, and then for peace of mind. A good choice for gardeners, I recommend.
Sidorenko Anna Mikhailovna, 63 years old, Tula
I have been breeding honeysuckle for several decades now. There are sweet, tart, soft and hard berries, and you don’t need to pick them from the ground – they keep well on the bushes. The bushes are not afraid of diseases and cold weather at all. Once a year I dig around to plant a couple of stems, and well, everything is accepted.
The most productive, tasty and healthy varieties of edible honeysuckle. TASTING!

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