Honeysuckle tincture of vodka, alcohol or moonshine

Honeysuckle tincture has a slightly bitter specific taste and persistent pleasant aroma. In moderation, this drink is even beneficial. It improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, contains many useful vitamins. If you have enough berries, I advise you to try. We will consider the recipe and cooking technology at home further.

For tincture, you will need fresh, frozen or dried honeysuckle berries. First, they need to be sorted out, removing spoiled, moldy and rotten ones. Frozen honeysuckle must first be thawed and allowed to drain. Dry fruits are required a third less than indicated in the recipe.

As an alcohol base, I advise you to take vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45%, a stronger one does not absorb other substances well. Unflavored moonshine or cheap cognac is also suitable.


  • honeysuckle berries – 300 grams;
  • water – 200 ml (1 glass);
  • sugar – 150 gram;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 1 liter.

You can change the proportions of sugar at your discretion or do without it, but then the bitterness will be felt more strongly.

honeysuckle tincture recipe

1. Crush the sorted well-washed berries with your hands or in any other way, trying not to splash the juice.

2. Put the resulting liquid into a container for infusion, for example, a jar, add vodka, mix well.

3. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a dark place at room temperature for 5 days. Shake once a day.

4. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes, removing white foam. Cool the resulting syrup to room temperature.

5. Strain the honeysuckle infusion through cheesecloth, add sugar syrup (or just water). Close the lid and stand for another 5 days.

6. Filter the finished honeysuckle tincture through cotton wool. If slight turbidity does not interfere, you can skip this step.

7. Pour the drink into bottles for storage and cork hermetically. Shelf life – up to 5 years.

Honeysuckle tincture of vodka, alcohol or moonshine

Honeysuckle tincture on vodka (moonshine, alcohol)

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