The variety of honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early is suitable for the middle lane in terms of its properties. Culture requires infrequent watering and top dressing, more selective to the place of growth. Planted in a group of several varieties of pollinators, it gives a good harvest.

Honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early: variety description, pollinators, reviews

The bushes of the variety are not tall, convenient for harvesting

Description of honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early

The bush of the dessert variety Nizhny Novgorod early is medium tall, up to 1,4-1,7 m. A dense spherical crown is formed by erect medium-leaved trunks. Medium-sized leaf blades are elongated, lanceolate, dark green. The root system of honeysuckle is superficial, fibrous. Between the planting pits for honeysuckle, 1,6 m is left. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting.

In Nizhny Novgorod early, the fruits begin to ripen by mid-June, when the skin is covered with a characteristic blue color. The size of oval-elongated honeysuckle berries of an early ripe variety is 12-16 mm. Berries of medium weight, from 80 to 120 mg. From the beginning of growth, the fruits are green, then the flesh and skin turn dark blue, and a wax coating remains on top. The fruits of the Nizhny Novgorod early belong to the table, have a sweet and sour invigorating taste.

One bush of honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early gives 3-3,8 kg. Ripening of berries one and a half months after flowering, depending on the geographical location – already at the end of the first or second decade of June.

Honeysuckle shrubs at the age of 5-6 years give more than 5 kg of berries with good care:

  • timely watering;
  • competent top dressing;
  • disease prevention.

When choosing varieties, gardeners note the advantages of early Nizhny Novgorod honeysuckle:

  • medium-sized fruits;
  • pleasant taste of berries, in which bitterness is not felt;
  • early ripeness and friendly ripening;
  • dry detachment of fruits;
  • frost resistance of the shrub.

Thanks to these characteristics, Nizhny Novgorod sweet honeysuckle is grown in private farmsteads and large agricultural enterprises. The disadvantages are the properties characteristic of most varieties of the crop: the fruits ripen very quickly, and if the harvest is delayed, the overripe berries fall off.

Harvested when the flesh and skin are uniformly blue. In this phase of ripeness, the berries acquire their characteristic refreshing, sweet and sour taste. When collected, they are placed in small half-liter containers. Stores in the refrigerator for two weeks.

The most valuable characteristic of plants of the Nizhegorodskaya early variety is winter hardiness and resistance to spotting.

Advice! Preventing crop loss due to shattering of berries, films or blankets are spread under the bushes before ripening.
Honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early: variety description, pollinators, reviews

The berries of the Nizhny Novgorod early are small, but tasty

Planting and caring for honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early

Honeysuckle seedlings have a fibrous root; when buying, the shoots should be elastic, not dry. 2-5 hours before planting, the plant is placed in a liquid clay mash so that the roots are saturated with water.

Terms of planting

The variety of honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early is advised to plant from the first warm days of spring in March or April. The plant’s buds begin to swell very early, so the shrub is moved almost immediately when the soil allows gardening. The culture also has an early dormant period. From the end of July, even yellowing and falling leaves occur. Therefore, in early August, honeysuckle is already transplanted, until the end of September in warmer regions of the middle lane.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Light sandy areas are suitable for early Nizhny Novgorod honeysuckle. Although an unpretentious culture grows on other soils, loams and sandy loams.

Honeysuckle prefers:

  • neutral or slightly acidic soil pH 6-6,5;
  • a sunny area, because with a lack of lighting, the berries become less sweet, the yield decreases;
  • a place protected from the north winds, conveniently located along the fences;
  • area without standing water.

Rules of landing

For honeysuckle, planting pits are dug small, with a depth and diameter of 40 cm. Garden soil is mixed with organic matter, sand is added to clay soils. The substrate is enriched with 500 ml of wood ash, 70-150 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate.

Having installed the seedling, straighten the root processes, fall asleep with the substrate. The root collar is deepened by 3 cm. The compacted soil is watered and mulched. After planting, the bush is cut off, shortening the shoots by only 2-3 cm.

Attention! For mulch under the trunk circle of honeysuckle, sawdust and bark of coniferous crops are used.

Watering and feeding

The drought-resistant variety Nizhny Novgorod early does not need frequent watering. In dry periods, the seedling is watered once a week, adult bushes – 2-4 times during the summer. The rate of water consumption is 10-15 liters under a bush. In drought, plants are refreshed by sprinkling. If there is no mulch, the soil is regularly loosened, weeds are removed from the trunk circle.

Honeysuckle is fed infrequently, once every 3 years. Fertilizers are applied in early spring, laying horse humus or compost under the bushes, any nitrogen fertilizers. With the growth of ovaries, the culture is fed with a mixture of 30 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate.


Proper pruning of honeysuckle helps increase yields. Fruit buds of the next year are formed on the growth of the current year. Therefore, the tops of the shoots are not cut off. Branches are removed if they thicken the bush or are damaged. In autumn and spring, only sanitary pruning is carried out. Early Nizhny Novgorod honeysuckle is rejuvenated after 8-10 years of growth, shortening the shoots not to a stump, but leaving 20-30 cm. Trunks older than 15 years are removed.

Important! The tops of the shoots, the new growth, are not cut off, because flower buds have formed on them since the summer.

Honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early: variety description, pollinators, reviews

The main requirement for a honeysuckle planting site is soil fertility.


Honeysuckle early Nizhny Novgorod withstands frosts down to -40 ° C. Only young seedlings are covered after water-charging irrigation and mulching. Yielding bushes are covered with a fine-mesh net from bullfinches that feast on kidneys.

Reproduction of edible honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early

Each gardener will easily propagate the culture by cuttings and layering. Cuttings are cut in March, before flowering, from last year’s healthy growth with buds. Twigs are planted in a garden or greenhouse without deepening the buds. From above they are covered with a mini-greenhouse. Layers are added dropwise after flowering, fixed in the ground with staples. Sprouts are transplanted after a year.

Pollinators of honeysuckle variety Nizhegorodskaya early

The variety is partially self-fertile. But, like most varieties of honeysuckle, self-pollination brings no more than 20-30% of the crop. The best pollinators are seedlings of the Nizhny Novgorod selection, for example, Kuminovka and Lakomka.

Diseases and pests

Nizhny Novgorod is resistant to olive blotch, can be affected by other diseases. They are warned by collecting fallen leaves and treating the bush in the spring with copper sulphate along with other plants. With signs of infection, new generation fungicides are used.

The culture is weakened after attacks by caterpillars or fruit pests. Insecticides are used in large quantities against insects.


The variety of honeysuckle Nizhny Novgorod early is resistant to pests, diseases and low temperatures. It takes root in most of the country and pleases with the June harvest of delicious berries.

How to grow honeysuckle Honeysuckle pests. Site “Garden World”

Reviews of honeysuckle variety Nizhny Novgorod early

Leonid Deryabin, 39 years old, Yaroslavl region
Early ripe Nizhny Novgorod grows together with zoned varieties. Pleases with ripe fruits first of all. In care, it is important to know that an adult bush uses from 1,5 to 2 square meters for its nutrition. m. This feature is taken into account when planting honeysuckle in groups of different varieties.
Vasily Shcheglov, 45 years old, g. Ivanovo
Honeysuckle really can not be planted crowded. Proper placement ensures sufficient pollination, and all bushes show good yields. I also use complex fertilizers for fruit and berry bushes every year.
Nastya Rodionova, 32, Shatura
Nizhny Novgorod is tasty and ripens early. And the tendency to shed overripe fruits has to be taken as a “whim” of a beauty. Before ripening, I spread a film near the shrubs so that the loss of the crop is less. I fertilize my honeysuckle in April, pouring a glass of wood ash into the soil under a bush.

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