Honeysuckle berries in their useful properties are equated to chokeberry. However, you should be careful with wild varieties, as 90% of them are poisonous plants.
Learn the recipe for honeysuckle tincture.
Tips before starting
Use the fruits of home breeding honeysuckle. To date, there are about 17 varieties.
Edible varieties grow exclusively in the form of a shrub, while wild poisonous plants are also ampelous / climbing.
Pay attention to the color and shape of the berries. The edible berry has an elongated oblong shape, and its color is similar to blueberries. Poisonous berries are painted in dark red, orange, black, have a spherical shape. In the people, such a berry is also called “wolfberry”.
A bush with poisonous berries can be found in the forest.
Now let’s move on to the recipes. We have selected the most common options, each of them has a different cooking technique. And if you don’t have time, but really want to try homemade honeysuckle liqueur, we suggest entrusting this process to your slow cooker (recipe 3).
Easy honeysuckle liqueur recipe
According to this recipe, you should get a liquor with a rich berry aroma and a deep dark color (the shade of the drink depends on the variety of the selected berry).
If you want to increase the strength of the drink, then at the last stage you can dilute the liquor with vodka, and to reduce sweetness – with tonic.
Fresh honeysuckle berries – 1 kg
Vodka – 1 l
Granulated sugar – 1 kg
Method of preparation
The berries must be carefully sorted out, washed and dried thoroughly with paper towels. Sterilize the glass container and then cool.
Pour the prepared berries into a jar, add sugar, pour in vodka and mix everything thoroughly.
We let it brew for 45 days at room temperature without exposure to daylight. Do not forget to shake the contents of the container every 3-5 days.
After 1,5 months, the liquor must be filtered through cheesecloth (while squeezing the berries a little) and bottled.
Then we leave for 1-2 weeks so that all the suspension settles to the bottom of the bottle. After that, the liquor is carefully drained from the sediment.
Now let’s move on to filtering. If you want to get a drink with maximum transparency, then it must be diligently filtered not 2 or even 3 times. You can also stop at several filtrations, and just shake the liquor before drinking.
Store the finished product in a cool dark place.
Fragrant spiced honeysuckle liqueur
Freshly squeezed juice from honeysuckle berries – 750 ml
Vodka – 1 l
Granulated sugar – 1 kg
Carnation, mint, tea rose petals – to taste.
Method of preparation
In order to squeeze juice from honeysuckle, the berries must be prepared according to paragraph 1 of the first recipe, and then use a juicer or pass the fruits through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice with gauze.
From juice and sugar (it is better to kill 1 kg of sugar into powder), we cook syrup with the addition of spices. The syrup should be brought to a boil twice.
Then we cool the finished syrup to a comfortable temperature (36,6–37 degrees), filter it and mix it with an alcohol base.
Pour the drink into bottles and leave for a day at room temperature.
Honeysuckle liqueur is ready and you can start tasting. But in order to enhance the taste of the drink, it must be kept for at least 1,5 months in a dark, cool place.
The strength of the finished product is about 20 degrees.
Honeysuckle liqueur in a slow cooker
This recipe is probably the most unusual of all proposed, as it is easy to prepare.
At the exit, you should get a drink of almost black color with a strength of about 30 degrees.
Honeysuckle berries – 400 g
Granulated sugar – 300 g
Vodka – 1 l
Method of preparation
Honeysuckle berries must be washed and dried.
Then we put all the ingredients (including vodka) into the multicooker bowl and set the “Cooking” mode for 10 minutes.
After that, switch to the “Heating” mode and leave for 12-15 hours.
After the specified time, the liquor must be filtered and filtered.
The finished product is bottled and after cooling, you can start tasting.
An extract is welcome.
Relevance: 21.01.2018
Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs