Honeysuckle in landscape design

Honeysuckle is a type of decorative honeysuckle. It is valued by gardeners for its beautiful flowers and bush shape. In landscape design, honeysuckle is used for landscaping, which can be divided into two groups in appearance:

  • curly: Honeysuckle, Brown honeysuckle, Gerald, seaside, Hekrota.
  • The bushy: honeysuckle Tatar, Maksimovich, alpine, Korolkov.

Description of the plant

Honeysuckle honeysuckle – liana. The name is translated from Latin as a goat leaf. Perhaps because these animals love to eat honeysuckle leaves. Liana is also called fragrant. Blooming honeysuckle emits a pleasant aroma that intensifies in the evening. How honeysuckle honeysuckle looks like, look at the photo.

Honeysuckle in landscape design


Honeysuckle is an amazing plant in which everything is worthy of attention. Unusual creeper leaves: rather large, leathery, elliptical in shape, dark green in color, gray to whitish below. Fall off in late autumn. 2-3 pairs of upper leaves grow together, forming a disk through which the honeysuckle stem passes.

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Flowers and fruits

Honeysuckle honeysuckle flowers are located in the axils of fused leaves, collected in groups of 5-10 flowers. Tubular flowers up to 5 cm long with far protruding stamens. The color of the flowers inside is white or slightly yellowish. Outside with purple-red stripes or a purple tint. Each individual honeysuckle flower lives 2-3 days. Flowering of the entire bush lasts up to 3 weeks. After flowering honeysuckle, berries are formed on a short stalk, almost lying on a leaf. The color of the berries of the creeper is red or orange-red. The berries are inedible. Liana begins to bloom and bear fruit after 3 years. It grows very quickly, during the season the shoots grow by 1,5-2 m. The honeysuckle blooms in late May-early June.

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Application in landscape design

In landscape design, such a wonderful plant as honeysuckle honeysuckle is used for vertical gardening. Since this is a vine, it definitely needs support for further growth. Gardeners decorate gazebos, arches, fences with curly honeysuckle, decorate outbuildings. Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be a hedge. It is ideally combined with coniferous plants, with shrubs that bloom just as beautifully (mock orange, weigela, action) and with climbing roses. Examples of the use of honeysuckle in landscape design, see the photo:

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Honeysuckle in landscape design


Subject to agricultural technology and proper care, honeysuckle will delight you for many years. The average life expectancy of honeysuckle is about 50 years.


Honeysuckle honeysuckle – European, loves abundant sun. Will tolerate partial shading. But it will not bloom profusely. Choose the right place for planting the plant. The soil should be fertile, enriched with humus, well moistened, but the water should not stagnate. Soils are clayey, dense in composition, with high acidity for honeysuckle vines are not suitable.

To plant honeysuckle honeysuckle, dig a hole or trench, taking into account that the root system fits. A pit is for a single plant, and a trench is for a row of plants. Lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pit. It can be gravel, small pieces of brick or sand. Mix the soil taken out of the pit with fertilizers, peat, rotted manure or humus.

Add lime to acidic soil. Place part of the prepared soil in the hole, place a seedling on top of it. If the roots of the honeysuckle are large, then you can cut them. Cover the roots with the remaining soil mixture, water well. Take care to create a support for honeysuckle honeysuckle, so as not to get a shapeless lump in the future. Without support, honeysuckle will begin to lean on itself.

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Important! Remember that the honeysuckle wraps around the support counterclockwise. In the future, when forming a vine, keep this nuance in mind.

Cords can be a support. You can pull in any direction you like. Coarse mesh or lattice trellis.


Regular care of the plant consists in watering, timely removal of weeds and the formation of a bush. Honeysuckle honeysuckle loves moisture. In the summer, do not allow the soil to dry out, if the season turned out to be dry, then increase the amount of water for watering the vine. The surface of the soil around the honeysuckle can be covered with mulch. For example, peat. Mulch is needed to create conditions for soil rippers – worms, to protect the topsoil from drying out.

Remove weeds as they appear. Perennial weeds with a branched root system should be removed before planting. Select all parts of the roots as carefully as possible.

Honeysuckle is a fast growing vine. By cutting it, you will form a bush as you wish. In a young plant, leave no more than 3 shoots. Choose the most viable. Delete the rest. Cut off the dead shoots and those that did not survive the winter. As soon as the honeysuckle honeysuckle grows and reaches the required height, start trimming the tops to stimulate the appearance of side shoots. Then honeysuckle will go in breadth. By cutting the plant, not only shape it, but also rejuvenate, promote abundant flowering. Watch the video about the intricacies of spring care for honeysuckle honeysuckle:

Honeysuckle is a fragrant liana. Leaving in the spring.


Honeysuckle is transplanted in the spring. Honeysuckle does not like moving very much. Therefore, decide on a permanent place of growth. How is honeysuckle propagated? There are several ways:

  • Seeds. Quite a complex and painstaking process. Honeysuckle seeds are harvested from ripe berries. They are separated from the pulp, washed and dried. Honeysuckle seeds are reluctant to sprout. In order to improve germination, stratification is carried out. An artificial process to activate the natural forces of seeds. In nature, seeds fall to the ground in autumn, are dormant to germinate in spring. Stratification is an imitation of natural conditions. To do this, honeysuckle seeds honeysuckle is placed in a container with wet sand and placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Withstand about 2-4 weeks. The sand needs to be moistened. Next, honeysuckle seeds are ready for planting. Place the seeds in a container with nutrient soil, lightly sprinkled with soil. Spray with water, cover with glass or film. After the emergence of shoots, the glass can be removed. After the seedlings of honeysuckle get stronger, you can transplant to a permanent place. Be sure to cover for the winter. For example, lapnik.

    Honeysuckle in landscape design

  • Cuttings. Harvesting honeysuckle cuttings occurs after the bush has faded. Not all shoots are suitable for cuttings. It is best to take root cuttings from older shoots. If they break well, then they are suitable for cuttings. The length of the cuttings is 10 cm, they should have 2 – 3 internodes. Cut the top at a right angle and the bottom at a 45 degree angle. Plant honeysuckle cuttings for rooting in a greenhouse in a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand in approximately equal proportions. In a month, the first leaves will appear. In the spring it can be planted in open ground.

    Honeysuckle in landscape design

  • Layers. The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle. In spring or autumn, bend the branch to the ground and fix it with staples. Sprinkle with earth. To root effectively, prepare the soil by mixing it with peat. In the spring, separate the rooted parts from the parent honeysuckle bush and land in a permanent place. This method is good when creating a hedge, then the layers are not separated, they continue to grow on their own. It is only necessary to establish a support for young plants.

    Honeysuckle in landscape design

  • The division of the overgrown bush. There are 2 ways here. First: expose the roots of the bush and cut off the shoot with the roots. The second is to dig up the entire honeysuckle bush and, using a shovel, divide the bush into pieces, which can then be transplanted to new permanent places. Treat the sections with ash. And shorten the shoots a little. After a year, the plant will need pruning to form a crown.

    Honeysuckle in landscape design

Additional fertilizing

Honeysuckle honeysuckle will delight you with rapid growth and abundant flowering if it is regularly fed.

  • Autumn is the best time to apply potash and phosphate fertilizers. To do this, fertilize the plant with humus or rotted manure.
  • Apply nitrogen fertilizer in the spring. Pour slurry or infusion of bird droppings, previously diluted with water: 1 part infusion and 10 parts water.

Protection against diseases

Inspect honeysuckle honeysuckle to notice damage in time and take action.

  • Enemy number one for honeysuckle is aphids, which sucks the vital juices of the plant. External signs of a threat are yellowing and falling leaves. Aphids can be destroyed by spraying the bush with preparations: Inta-VIR, Eleksar, Kondifor.
  • Fungal lesions cause wilting of leaves, reddish tubercles appear on the bark. Affected shoots should be removed. The entire bush must be treated with copper sulphate in the spring as a preventive measure.
  • Viruses cause variegation on the leaves. Unfortunately, the bush will have to be dug up and burned. But you can fight for the plant by spraying it with copper sulphate or Fundazol.

Honeysuckle in landscape design


Don’t be afraid of diseases and pests. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a very beautiful and spectacular plant that does not need time-consuming care. If you place it in your garden, then for many years this creature will delight your gaze with its unique appearance.

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