Bakcharsky Giant is one of the most common varieties of honeysuckle. The popularity of the berry bush is due to its resistance to frost and diseases. A distinctive feature of the variety is large berries. Honeysuckle is unpretentious in care and can bear fruit up to 18-20 years.
Inference history
This variety of honeysuckle was obtained in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Bakcharskoe”, which is located in one of the villages of the Tomsk region. The authors of the new variety were I.K. Gidzyuk, N.V. Savinkov and A.P. Pavlov.
Honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant was bred for cultivation in harsh winter conditions. It is recommended for planting in Siberia and the Central European part of the Federation, which is characterized by a temperate continental climate.
Variety description
Honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant is characterized average maturity and large, juicy berries. The plant has a powerful and vigorous bush, which can reach two meters in height. The crown is rounded and elongated. Frame branches are straight and thick, stretching up to 0,6 m in length. The bush is abundantly strewn with large, dark green leaves with a gray tint and a matte surface.
The honeysuckle of this variety gives large berries, the average weight of which is 1,8 grams, length 4-5 cm, and diameter 1,3 cm. Some specimens reach 2,5 grams. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and have a slightly bumpy, waxy surface. The thin skin is painted in a rich, blue color. Sometimes small voids are found under it.
The pulp is tender and dense, the bones are almost not felt. The taste is dessert, sweet, with a slight sourness. Tasters rate it at 4,8 points out of 5. Honeysuckle is consumed fresh and frozen. Compotes, jelly, jelly, juices, various wines and jams are prepared from berries.
Honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant begins to bear fruit in the second or third year after planting. The first berries can be tasted already in June. Average one bush brings from 1,8 to 2,5 kg large fruits. Under favorable conditions, up to 4,5 kg of berries can be removed from one plant. From one hectare, gardeners harvest from 8 to 15 tons of crops.
Pollinators for the Bakchar Giant
Flowers of the Bakchar Giant self-fruitso they require cross-pollination. To get a bountiful harvest and large berries, in the garden you need to plant several different types of honeysuckle. Recommended pollinating varieties of the Bakcharsky Giant: In memory of Gidzyuk, Pride of Bakchar, Nymph, Amphora, Azure.
Advantages and disadvantages
According to the reviews of summer residents, a number of positive aspects of honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant can be distinguished:
- bountiful harvest;
- large fruits;
- dessert taste that will appeal to any gourmet;
- fruits are easy to collect, as the branches are widely spaced;
- good resistance to diseases and pests;
- increased cold resistance, honeysuckle of this variety withstands frosts up to -35 degrees;
- the fruits tolerate transportation relatively well.
The disadvantages of this variety include shedding of ripe fruits. But experienced summer residents and gardeners easily solve this problem. Under the bush, they spread a film or cloth on which the berries fall. A little trick helps in harvesting.
Growing honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant is easy. But in order for the seedling to take root and begin to develop rapidly, you need to adhere to some planting features.
Terms of planting
Planting honeysuckle of this variety is best done in September-October. After winter, the plant will wake up and begin to develop. Planting a bush in the spring is not recommended. Since honeysuckle wakes up very early (at the end of March), it is undesirable to disturb it. She can weaken and die. If such a need arises, then dig the bush along with the soil. So damage to the root system will be minimal.
Methods of reproduction
Honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant is propagated by several methods:
- Layers. In June, they dig up the soil around the plant. Then several lower branches bend to the ground and, sprinkled with soil, fixed with a wire. After a year, they take root and can be separated from the shrub.
- Green cuttings. At the end of May, a part of an annual shoot with 3 buds is cut from the plant. Its length should be within 10-15 cm. The stem is soaked in a growth stimulator solution and placed in a container with soil. With the help of a plastic bottle they create the effect of a greenhouse.
- Seeds. It laborious and lengthy process cultivation, so it is rarely used. Seeds are collected from ripe fruits. They are planted in boxes, covered with snow and left until spring. With the advent of heat, the container is covered with a film and waiting for the emergence of seedlings. Before planting, be sure to stratify the seeds.
The photo shows cuttings of honeysuckle.
Site Selection
Honeysuckle of this variety does not like strong winds, so it is recommended to plant it along a fence or any other fence. Bakchar Giant does not tolerate excessive moisture. Groundwater should be no closer than 1,5 meters to the surface of the earth. For planting a bush, it is not recommended to choose a lowland area, as cold air and moisture accumulate there.
Bakcharsky the Giant loves sunny areas but the lower branches should be in the shade. Therefore, honeysuckle should be planted interspersed with other shrubs. So the crown will be well lit, and the root zone of the plant will be shaded.
Honeysuckle is picky about the ground, but grows better on fertile and loamy soil. The composition of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline. If it is sour, then dolomite flour or ash should be added to the planting pit.
Rules of landing
Seedlings must be purchased from trusted sellers. Before planting, the roots of the plant are soaked in a solution of any growth stimulant. Then perform the following sequence of actions:
- the area is cleared of weeds;
- humus, rotted manure, peat or compost are scattered on the surface of the earth at the rate of 10 kg / 1 m2;
- the site is carefully dug up;
- are cooking pits about 0,4 meters deep and 0,4 meters wide;
- drainage is laid at the bottom and 50 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt are added to each well;
- straighten the roots of the seedling and lower it into the hole so that it the root neck was at ground level;
- fill the hole with soil and slightly compact it;
- planted honeysuckle is watered with a bucket of water.
Bakcharsky Giant is a picky variety of honeysuckle. But regular care guarantees a healthy appearance of the plant and abundant fruiting.
Shrub should be watered every 4-5 days. It is recommended to pour a bucket of water (10 liters) onto one root. If there is not enough moisture, the berries will become bitter. Excessive watering will rot the roots of the plant. Therefore, you need to focus on the weather conditions of a particular area. During drought – increase the number of waterings, and during rains – reduce. In autumn, it is reduced to a minimum.
After each irrigation, it is desirable to loosen the ground around the bush.
Additional fertilizing
Honeysuckle varieties Bakcharsky Giant fed in three stages. In the spring, nitrogenous fertilizers are used to grow fruits. For example, ammonium nitrate. 15 g of the substance is enough for one plant.
To restore after fruiting, the bush is watered with a solution of nitrophoska (25 g per bucket of water). If it was not at hand, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil.
For a supply of nutrients for the winter in autumn, the soil is fertilized with organic matter. To do this, manure is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 4. 10 liters of solution is enough for one bush.
Young honeysuckle does not need to be cut. the first the procedure is carried out three years after planting the seedling. Remove broken, frozen and dried branches. Also cut off curved, growing inward and tilted to the ground shoots. Depending on the age of the bush, about 9-15 strong branches should remain on it. The more light penetrates into the middle of the bush, the larger the berries will be.
Diseases and pests
The honeysuckle variety Bakcharsky Giant has good resistance to many diseases. But the shrub can be attacked by pests: caterpillars, mites, aphids and scale insects. Therefore, preventive spraying is carried out in early spring. The following drugs have proven themselves well: Mavrik, Confidor, Eleksar and Inta-Vir.
The photo shows a honeysuckle affected by aphids.
Honeysuckle Bakcharsky Giant deserves attention. This is a godsend for gardeners living in the northern regions of the country. it frost-resistant variety, which is designed for growing in harsh climatic conditions. To get a rich harvest and a healthy plant, it is enough adhere to simple rules of agricultural technology.