Honey with perga: useful properties, how to take

In folk medicine, various bee products are used, each of which has unique beneficial properties. Honey with bee bread is a popular healing product. He is valued for his undeniable benefits. Every person who cares about their health needs to carefully study the beneficial qualities of a natural product, methods of application, restrictions on use.

What is a honey bee mixture

Honey effectively affects many systems of the body, as it contains a lot of natural substances that are instantly absorbed by the human body. To enhance its benefits, experts recommend adding a small amount of pollen when using it. This is pollen that has gone through the process of lactic acid fermentation in the combs and is used by bees to feed the larvae. All the best taste, useful properties are contained in honey collected by bees from medicinal plants, and bee bread. Other bee products are also useful, but are not characterized by such a rich composition, in contrast to those listed. Most folk healers believe that the benefits of honey with bee bread are greater than from various medicinal herbs, since the organic and mineral compositions differ significantly from medicinal plants.

Honey with perga: useful properties, how to take

Honey with perga, the benefits of which are invaluable for the human body, was used in ancient times by the Greeks to maintain vitality. It is a mass of dark brown hue with a delicious smell, a pleasant taste of honey with hints of bread. The pharmacological properties of this product are quite diverse and have a positive effect on human health.

What is useful honey perga

Before you start actively using the product for your own purposes, you need to find out what are the benefits and harms of bee bread with honey, against which diseases you can use the healing composition. Experts advise using honey perga for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, since it is capable of:

  • improve the general condition of the body after operations, serious illnesses;
  • activate digestive processes;
  • positively affect the composition of the blood;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • reduce fatigue after heavy mental, physical exertion;
  • increase vitality;
  • eliminate the possibility of bacterial, viral diseases;

In addition to the above properties, the natural healer has a great effect on the nervous system, relieves stress, improves mood, and gives a lot of positive emotions.

What is useful honey with perga for women

Women in ancient times knew about the beneficial properties of honey with bee bread and actively used the product for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. The biological nature and complex chemical composition of honey with bee bread make it incredibly healing for the female body. Natural remedy can:

  • increase sexual desire, show the effect of an aphrodisiac;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle, hormonal balance;
  • increase fertility, improve reproductive function;
  • contribute to the full development of the fetus, bearing a child;
  • stabilize the state of the nervous system during pregnancy, prevent depression, improve mood;
  • improve lactation, the composition of breast milk;
  • eliminate the development of inflammatory processes;
  • soften the course of menopause, remove pain.

Honey with perga: useful properties, how to take

A valuable product will provide a comprehensive recovery of the body, improve the general condition, which is important for a woman’s health. A delicacy can slow down the aging process, positively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

Useful properties of bee pollen with honey for men

Quite useful honey with bee bread for men. It is considered the main male medicine, as well as a biostimulant. With its help, you can prevent the development of male diseases, cure prostate adenoma, infertility, sexual dysfunction. The main property of bee bread with honey is manifested in solving problems associated with sexual dysfunction. Regular intake of fragrant thick sweetness and at the same time a powerful charge of natural energy will provoke an increase in the number of sperm motility, and will favorably affect male fertility.

When using various medications, the male body will be stressed, there will be a likelihood of developing diseases of other organ systems. This will not happen when treating with honey and bee bread.

Useful properties of honey with perga for children

Before introducing a product into the child’s diet, it is necessary to carefully study the beneficial properties and contraindications of honey with bee bread. Due to the rich mineral composition and a large amount of vitamins, the delicacy is considered indispensable for a growing organism:

  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system, accelerate growth;
  • improve visual function;
  • activate the immune system;
  • prevent the possibility of infectious diseases;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • stimulate the development of mental abilities;
  • restore the body after severe injuries;
  • favorably affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminate the possibility of the development of diseases associated with disruption of the thyroid gland.

Caring parents try to protect the child from the occurrence of unwanted diseases, so they choose healthy foods, and, before adding them to the diet, carefully study information about contraindications.

How to make honey with perga

To prepare honey with bee bread, you need to take a small amount of combs with bee bread and honey. Honeycombs must be placed in the refrigerator for cooling, and honey, in case of hardening, brought to a liquid state by heating.

After cooling, start processing honeycombs. For greater convenience, areas with bee bread should be cut out in the form of a rectangle, carefully cut off the protruding parts of the walls of the wax cells. Take the honeycomb from the side of the foundation and remove the lumps of bee bread; to speed up the process, you should tap with the handle of the knife, thereby helping the product come out faster.

Honey with perga: useful properties, how to take

Dry the resulting mass, send it to the refrigerator. When the perga has cooled, grind it with a mortar or combine the pieces of perga with honey in a ratio of 2: 8, bring to a homogeneous mass using a mixer. The finished product must be hermetically sealed, placed in a warm place, used for your own purposes when the mass brightens.

Important! It must be thoroughly mixed before use.

How to take perga with honey

Methods, dosages of administration directly depend on the reason for using a natural medicine. For an adult, as a preventive measure, 10 g of a healing composition per day is quite enough. In case of exacerbation of various diseases, increase the amount of perga with honey consumed per day up to 30 g. You should be more careful with determining the dosage in a child, ideally you should consult a doctor. Basically, the amount of the recommended composition for children varies from 1 to 15 g. It is necessary to take the healing mixture 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, separately from other products, do not drink, but simply dissolve.

The use of bee bread paste in the treatment of a specific disease must be agreed with the attending physician, so as not to cause great harm to the body, since there is a possibility of an overdose, the presence of any contraindications.

Important! Taking more than 30 g per day is not recommended, exceeding the dosage can lead to hypervitaminosis, the development of an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to honey with perga

A natural medicine, if used improperly and in the presence of obvious contraindications, can harm the human body. Before starting treatment, you must carefully read the contraindications of the product:

  • oncology 3-4 stages;
  • Graves’ disease;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding, uterine fibroids;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • individual intolerance.
Important! The product is strictly contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Calorie honey perg paste

The calorie content of honey cream with bee bread is 335,83 kcal per 100 g, but may vary depending on the proportionality of the incoming two main substances. Despite the high performance, the product is included in the list of the most dietary, this is due to the fact that a balanced vitamin and mineral complex is concentrated in honey-pergo paste.

Honey with perga: useful properties, how to take

Terms and conditions of storage

If a long-term storage of the product is expected, then it is necessary to seal it hermetically and send it to a room where the air temperature is from 2 to 10 ° C. Humidity should not be high, in order to avoid the formation of fungi. Under such conditions, natural medicine can be stored for several years. Clean glass jars of various sizes should be used as storage utensils.

It is worth remembering that a violation of the temperature regime can cause a loss of taste, useful properties of the product, in this case it is not recommended to use the healing composition.


Honey with bee bread has a large number of useful properties, almost indispensable for the human body. Knowing how to prepare honey perg paste, competently using it for prevention, treatment, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of many diseases.

perga with honey

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