Honey massage for cellulite. Video technique

Honey massage for cellulite. Video technique

To combat such a skin defect as cellulite, there are many different techniques, including those that can be successfully applied independently. These include honey massage, with regular implementation of which you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the skin.

How to do honey massage for cellulite

The benefits of honey in the fight against cellulite

Natural honey has a lot of medicinal properties, having the ability not only to supply a variety of useful substances inside the body, but also to remove toxins and toxins. It is thanks to this property that it successfully helps to smooth out the manifestations of cellulite, which is a simple violation of lymph flow. Honey massage helps to normalize the exchange of fluids in tissues and increase blood circulation, thanks to which the skin is toned. At the same time, honey makes the body more velvety, so that the effect of the massage is twofold. After the massage, the honey is washed off with warm water, you can finish the procedure by applying body milk or emollient cream. The procedures should be carried out in courses, every day for two weeks, or every other day, but within a month.

If you combine such a massage with physical activity and adjusting the menu, the result will be even more noticeable.

How to do honey massage for cellulite

To carry out a massage at home, you need to apply a small amount of honey to problem areas, after which, with gentle movements of your hands, begin to knead them, trying not to take your palms off the body. Each skin area must be treated for at least five minutes. Movement can be not only circular, but also patting. With the correct massage, the skin heats up, the honey becomes watery at first, and then it is processed into small grains and changes color to a darker one.

It is necessary to do the massage in a cool room, since at high temperatures honey melts quickly and the entire effect of the massage disappears.

Cellulite massage with honey has a number of contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm
  • infectious skin diseases
  • pregnancy
  • allergic reactions to honey

Care should be taken to carry out such a massage when the vessels are close to the surface of the skin. In this case, there is a high risk of injury and the appearance of spider veins.

The type of honey for the massage does not matter, only its naturalness is important

If honey is artificial, then it will not be possible to remove toxins from cells with its help. It can be used both in pure form and with small additives. Once a week, it will not be superfluous to massage problem areas with a mixture of honey and sea salt, which acts as a peeling. You can also add a few drops of citrus essential oils to honey, which can also help get rid of the appearance of cellulite.

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