Honey in combs: how to eat, benefits and harms, how to store
Bees store honey in wax combs. Such a product is considered the most useful, as it does not undergo any processing. This honey is sterile and cannot be counterfeited. How is honey combed and what are its beneficial properties?
Is it possible to eat honeycombs
If simple honey can simply be eaten with spoons or spread on bread, then with the product in the combs, everything is a little more complicated. Honeycombs are small containers of wax. There is no benefit in them themselves, so they should not be used.
In order to enjoy such honey, just break off a small piece of honeycomb. Put it in your mouth and chew thoroughly. Over time, the taste will disappear, only a lump of wax will remain in the mouth. You will need to spit it out.
If you swallow some wax, nothing bad will happen. This substance is not assimilated by the body and is calmly removed from it in its original form.
At the same time, it can play the role of an adsorbent and take with it harmful substances from the intestines.
But you can’t eat a lot of wax, as this can provoke volvulus.
If you decide to acquire your own apiary, then you will be interested in the question of how much honey is in the combs. In a small industrial frame measuring about 145 × 435 mm, about one and a half kilograms of honey are placed. Moreover, there is only about 120 g of wax in it.
The benefits and harms of honey in honeycombs
Regular use of such a product has a beneficial effect on health. Among the most valuable qualities are the following.
1. Chewing wax honeycomb has a great effect on the condition of the oral cavity. Inflammatory processes are removed, dark plaque on the teeth is removed.
2. The use of honey in combs has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. This process allows you to relax and calm down.
3. Many bowel problems are eliminated.
4. Regular use of such a product helps to solve problems with the heart and blood vessels.
4. This honey is often used for the prevention of tuberculosis and some gynecological diseases.
Honey can only harm people who have a predisposition to allergic reactions. In addition, it is worth remembering that when heated, honey releases the harmful substance oxymethylfurfurod.
Do not forget about how to store honey in combs correctly. To do this, use a clean container. Glass jars with a hermetically sealed lid are ideal. For long-term preservation, honey needs a constant temperature. It is best to put it in a cellar or pantry.
Regular consumption of honey not only helps to solve health problems, but also improves your mood!
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