Honey in a water bath: how to melt
Step-by-step instructions for kindling with the “water bath for honey” method
Other methods of kindling honey at home
1. Put honey in a bowl on a hot battery. Stir the honey in a bowl from time to time so that it heats up and melts evenly.
2. You can also melt honey in the microwave. This is a very quick and less troublesome method, but there is a possibility that the beneficial components will be destroyed by hot microwaves. In addition, the taste of the product can also be affected.
The duration of the procedure depends on the volume of the melted product, on the temperature of the room where the honey was stored, on the composition of the honey and the power of the oven. Select the program mode “defrost”. We recommend that you carry out the procedure several times for short periods of time, rather than immediately set a large period in the program.
3. By far the best method for kindling honey is a water bath. The method is quite simple, honey in a special container is placed in a saucepan of water and heated over low heat.
4. Another good way to turn thick honey into liquid is to melt the product with lemon. The fruit should be washed, cut into thin slices and placed in honey. The citric acid will break down the honey crystals. It will be an excellent remedy for colds, flu, tonsillitis and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.
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