Honey – find out about its miraculous properties

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Honey is a sweet treat. Natural honey is produced by bees. Not everyone likes the taste, but it’s hard to deny its nutritional value. In the past, it was used as a medicine, but it was also used to make alcohol. It has a beneficial effect not only on our health, but also on the body. We can find it in the compositions of many cosmetics.

Honey is a natural food product made by bees. Its properties in medicine and cosmetology have been known since antiquity. Although not everyone likes the taste and aroma of honey, it should be included in our diet. Check what nutritional and healing values ​​honey has.

Honey – nutrients

Honey has a beneficial effect on the heart, nerves, brain and hard-to-heal wounds. It fights bacteria more effectively than some antibiotics. It is also a great alternative to today’s cosmetics. If you want to test the effect of honey on the skin, order BIO Orientana serum for tired skin with honey and propolis. It nourishes the skin, soothes irritations and has anti-aging properties. In this case, we also recommend the nourishing face peeling Vianek mask, which is intended for the care of dry, sensitive and mature skin.

Honey has a bactericidal effect thanks to enzymes that come mainly from the salivary glands of insects. In addition, we can find hydrogen peroxide in it, i.e. substances with strong bactericidal properties.

The antibiotic substances that bees contain in honey include lysozyme and apidicin. These substances affect gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods. Honey will also help with infections caused by anthrax bacilli, tuberculosis bacilli, trichomoniasis and fungi of the genus Candida.

Honey also contains a lot of micronutrients, such as potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, cobalt, and manganese, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin.

Acetylcholine contained in honey will improve the efficiency of the heart, and potassium will also improve its work. Medicines and various preparations for strengthening the heart containing honey should be used in periods of high physical and mental effort, chronic diseases, exhaustion of the body, and nutrient deficiencies. In such a situation, honey should appear especially in the diets of children, the elderly and in the period of menopause.

You can find honeys based on various plants at great prices on the Medonet Market.

Also read:

  1. What is buckwheat honey good for?
  2. What is Manuka Honey?
  3. Properties and application of linden honey

Honey – bee venom treatment

Not only honey has a good effect on our body. Bee venom is also very healthy. After being stung, the bees die and there is swelling and redness at the site of the sting. Stings are only dangerous to people who are allergic to bee venom. It is a powerful antibiotic. Thanks to it, you can cure rheumatism, arthritis and rheumatism. In this way, neurosis, neuralgia, hypertension and skin diseases can also be relieved. The most effective treatment is on site in the apiary.

Honey – the addition of herbs

Honey is not only simple sugars. Its qualities can be easily enhanced by adding herbs and herbal concentrates. By adding chokeberry to honey, you will strengthen your appetite and lower your blood pressure. Honey and nettle will improve metabolism and the work of the pancreas. In turn, lemon balm honey will calm our nerves, and with coltsfoot it will have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

At Medonet Market you can buy honey from the Sadowskie Apiary, combined with various types of herbs:

  1. Honey with turmeric and cayenne pepper, which strengthens the body’s immunity and improves digestion,
  2. Honey with ginger and garlic that warms and has antibacterial and antiviral properties,
  3. Honey with spirulina, which is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins,
  4. Honey with thyme and coltsfoot with a soothing effect in case of upper respiratory tract infections.

Ecological convalescent juice consists of, among others with honey. Buy it if you are weakened after an illness. It strengthens the body and supports immunity.

Honey – healing properties

The healing properties of honey include:

  1. faster wound healing,
  2. lower risk of keloids formation,
  3. treatment of stomach ulcers,
  4. relieving diarrhea,
  5. lowering blood pressure,
  6. stopping atherosclerosis,
  7. treatment of diseases of the liver and bile ducts,
  8. supporting the body in the fight against colds and a sore throat,
  9. soothing nerves, easier falling asleep,
  10. stimulating the work of the brain.

Honey is included in cosmetics, skin care products and dietary supplements offered by BeeYes. You can find lotions, creams, gels and even deodorants with honey from BeeYes at Medonet Market at attractive prices. Check the offer.

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