Natural red wine in small quantities brings great benefits to the body. Which one – now we’ll figure it out.
To relieve tension a little, stop thoughts, you should drink a glass of dry red wine. It will relieve anxiety, help calm anxiety and look at the events of the past day from a different angle. Psychologists advise drinking a glass of red wine at dinner so that a person goes to sleep calmly.
Red wine contains melatonin – this hormone is responsible for relaxing the nervous and muscular systems, so it helps to fall asleep quickly. Just one glass of red wine can set you up for a healthy sleep – and no medication. Just keep in mind that exceeding the norm of alcohol consumption – on the contrary – excites the nervous system.
Expands blood vessels
If you suffer from high blood pressure, or if you have a headache in the evening from a busy day, red wine will help normalize blood vessels and naturally return your blood pressure to a comfortable level. A glass of red wine even relieves tachycardia and soothes a rapid pulse.
Does not harm the figure
Dry wine contains a minimum of calories from all alcoholic beverages, so it is very possible to include it in your dinner without harming your figure. A glass of red wine will not cause a lot of appetite, but if you exceed the dose, expect bouts of hunger. And also red wine normalizes metabolism, improves digestion.
Slows aging
Scientists from Harvard Medical University claim that resveratrol, which is found in grapes, is able to restore DNA cells, normalize the body’s circadian rhythm, thereby slowing down wilting and aging.
But be sure to follow the measure!