Long quarantine brought with it extra pounds. And while there are lucky ones who managed to keep their former shape, most of us complain about the unwanted bonus of home confinement. But few people admit that we need this weight for something, and if we understand the reason, then there is a way out. How to return to your norm without grueling diets and self-torture in the gym?
Everyone reacts differently to the stress that self-isolation has become for us, even the most persistent tin soldiers. Someone is losing weight, and someone is getting better. But let’s be objective and fair to ourselves: after all, we have really reduced physical activity, and the refrigerator is right at hand. The way of life has changed, and, as a result, excess weight has appeared.
Then the exit from the quarantine itself will make its own adjustments: there will be no refrigerator at work, plus you can add physical activity. But not only this can explain the increase.
“Think about it, what is it for you? What does being overweight give you? This is support and balance, this is protection from the outside world, something else … try to give yourself an answer, — suggests psychologist Elena Neimark. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to answer these questions for yourself. Then take them to a psychologist, figure it out, and it will become easier to change your lifestyle.”
If honest conversation with yourself is within your power, then the following practical recommendations will do.
How to motivate yourself to change weight?
Elena Neimark suggests asking yourself the following questions first:
1. What will happen in my life if I stay at this weight?
2. What will not happen in my life if I stay at this weight?
3. What will happen in my life if I lose weight?
4. What will not be in my life if I lose weight?
“Honest answers to these questions will give you the motivation you need,” explains the psychologist. — When motivation appears, then you will find those ways of losing weight that will be most effective for you.
What have you done before to reach your goal? Write down all options. What do you find attractive that you haven’t tried? You write. Which of these do you think leads to the goal? Note. Which of the things you have noted are you ready to try right now?
For each option, rate your readiness in points from 0 to 10, choose the most appropriate. Try it!
If you are in touch with yourself, you will not confuse fear, boredom, loneliness with hunger.
But sometimes there are resources around us. It can be a girlfriend, children, a park near the house, a dog, and even a small salary. Look around, you are not alone and not alone. And a lot can be used to achieve the goal. It is only important that it be yours, that it beckons and you want to go to it, Elena Neimark is convinced.
Draw this goal for yourself — what image comes to mind? See what attracts you to her, change her if necessary, and now go to her.
“Take care of yourself: both entering and exiting quarantine will be stressful. Do not build Napoleonic plans, live for today and solve pressing problems, the psychologist suggests. — It is easier to adopt such a strategy through bodily practice.
Walk around the room, focusing on your feet, feel the support on your feet. How do you walk more calmly: taking small steps or throwing your legs far forward? Looking straight ahead or looking at the horizon? Immerse yourself in this process, draw conclusions for yourself.
What can be done in the future so that excess weight does not fall on you in every unexpected situation? The advice is as banal as it is effective: take care of yourself every day. Be in touch with yourself.
“If you are in contact with yourself, you will not confuse fear, boredom, loneliness and many other experiences with hunger,” Elena Neimark is sure. “Various bodily practices, introspection or going to a psychologist help to establish contact with oneself.”