Elodie Moreau, with the psychoanalysts Jean-Pierre Winter, author of “Homoparenté”, Ed. Albin Michel, and Geneviève Delaisi de Perceval, author of “Family at any price”, Ed Seuil.
Whether he decides for or against homoparentality, psychoanalysts Jean-Pierre Winter and Geneviève Delaisi de Perceval insist on one point:Knowledge of origins is essential for the psychic development of the child. “Homoparentality is not a problem in itself,” explains Geneviève Delaisi from Perceval. “In fact, it is the question of the origins, the mysteries and the unspoken specific to the history of the child that can create troubles. It cannot be built on a lie. This same problem is also found among heterosexuals who have recourse to insemination with an anonymous donor, ”she emphasizes. “I think it is essential that the third person (donor or surrogate mother) be recognized, not as a parent, but should be offered a status of dignity and respect. “The psychoanalyst is against insemination with an anonymous donor because according to her,” children come up against difficulties throughout their lives. […] The British or Australian system, giving access to the origin of donors to the majority of the child is much more favorable “, according to her. “The question of the third person is less taboo among homosexual male couples. Their only recourse is surrogacy and you cannot “anonymize” a mother.
“We cannot go against the laws of filiation”
If the explanation and access to origins would suffice for Geneviève Delaisi de Perceval, Jean-Pierre Winter believes, for his part, that we cannot go against the laws of filiation ”. “I am not totally unhappy with the government plan. It is a question of experimenting with homoparental adoption, without providing for assisted reproduction for homosexual couples. I find this normal because homosexuality is not a disease of infertility », Explains the specialist. “Adoption makes parents educators, there is no fiction, we know that the child was born from other parents. The role of education is much less important than we imagine. On the other hand, all children wonder where they come from, from an early age. They start by secretly looking in the parents’ room. And very early on, in homoparental families, the little ones understand that their parents cannot have children, ”adds the psychoanalyst. “Upon learning that it was conceived from a donor sperm or that it developed in the womb of a woman, the child will have the feeling of having been made without desire, of being the product of a human being, conceived with a biological instrument. In these situations, transmitting the words of parentage becomes difficult », Underlines the specialist. “It creates one more fiction. But Jean-Pierre Winter goes even further: it can disturb children when they in turn want to have them. “How to transmit life when there has been a lie or a breakdown in transmission?
In the end, homoparentality always divides specialists. The question of the child’s origins must first and foremost be decided.