Homeopathy – treatment principles, therapy effectiveness, drugs for children and adults. What are homeopathic remedies?

Homeopathic medicines are medicines in which the active substance causing the disease symptoms is diluted many times. It is a paramedical practice that became popular in the nineteenth century, and its current version recommends stimulating the body to fight disease.

Assumptions of therapy with homeopathic medicines

The foundations of homeopathic treatment are the three main pillars defined by Samuel Hahnemann. The first is life energy, i.e. vitality or the energy field of a human being. Another pillar is the law of similarities, which is based on the assumption that substances that cause a specific disease symptom in a healthy person, when properly diluted, can help the body fight the disease. The final pillar is the pseudoscientific hypothesis of water memory, which states that water collects and stores information. This theory says that by diluting and shaking water, its structure changes under the influence of the substance present in it.

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies

Although the above-mentioned theories of life energy or water memory have no scientific support, and with such a high dilution, there is a very good chance that there is no therapeutic agent in the solution, they are still considered one of the main currents of homeopathy. In addition, many seriously ill people still strongly believe in the effectiveness of the therapy homeopathic medicines, so much so that they reject conventional medicine, which often leads to unnecessary deterioration of health or even death.

Homeopathic medicines for children

People using homeopathic medicines they say these drugs can be administered safely even to infants. It is important to remember that you should consult your doctor about any medications given to children. Homeopaths also argue that homeopathic remedies can help children in the following problems:

  1. earaches,
  2. colic and flatulence
  3. constipation
  4. bedwetting
  5. diarrhea
  6. stage.
  7. cold,
  8. asthma,
  9. skin infections,
  10. digestive problems
  11. headaches and migraines
  12. insomnia,
  13. heart diseases,
  14. irritable bowel syndrome,
  15. infertility,
  16. eating disorders
  17. mood swings,
  18. depression,
  19. rheumatic diseases,
  20. allergy.

Do you want to supplement your child’s diet with vitamins and minerals? From the Medonet Market offer you can order Kanguwita for children, i.e. lozenges to support development and immunity with vitamins and elements important for health.

Effects and opinions on homeopathic treatment

According to homeopaths, in the case of treatment according to the principles of homeopathy by a doctor, there is no possibility of any side effects or side effects. There is, however opinion on homeopathic remedies that your symptoms may get worse at the beginning of treatment, but that treatment should not be stopped, as it means that you have chosen your medications well. The cleansing of the body may also occur, which is said to be a beneficial process in the treatment of the body.

Homeopathic medicines

You can find it very easily inventory of all homeopathic remediesAnd the fact that homeopathic treatment is much cheaper than academic medicine means that everyone can benefit from it regardless of financial situation. The National Health Fund does not subsidize visits to homeopaths or homeopathic medicines, as is the case in Switzerland or Great Britain, and nevertheless patients consider homeopathic treatment cheap and effective.

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