Homeopathy to support the cancer patient

Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot1, homeopathic doctor, took part in the conference held at Tenon Hospital on October 20, 2012 on the occasion of the 30th meetings of alternative and complementary medicine. His intervention focused on the value of alternative medicine in supporting cancer patients, and more particularly on the use of homeopathy in supporting cancer patients: “ In recent years, we have witnessed a change in the behavior of cancer patients who choose more and more often (60% according to the MAC-AERIO study in 2010) to combine their conventional treatments with complementary medicines. “ Let us recall, in this regard, that Dr Bagot founded the first consultation of supportive care in oncology in a hospital environment.
One in five patients is assessed2, the number of cancer patients who use homeopathy as a supplement. Its use in oncology has doubled over the past four years. Around the world, the number of users is estimated at 400 million. 56% of French people used homeopathy at least once for treatment in 20113. Today, many patients are “ long survivors »: They want to participate in their therapeutic choice. However, it is clear that homeopathy is not a cancer treatment but a complementary medicine. It can be effective in improving the general condition, reducing the side effects of treatments and acting on symptoms that do not have suitable allopathic treatments.
Homeopathy helps to support and improve the general condition. After homeopathic treatment, 97% of patients feel better and 93% feel less fatigue. Homeopathy is recommended from the shock of the announcement, then at each stage, and until after treatment: management of emotional shock, anger, depression, astonishment, tears, revolt, sadness (58% of patients) and anxiety (57% of patients). In case of surgery, homeopathy can improve healing, help to better support general anesthesia. During chemotherapy, it intervenes in the support of hepatorenal function, it is recommended to also do this treatment before chemotherapy. In addition to chemotherapy, homeopathy can intervene effectively on early or late nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, stomatological disorders (mouth ulcers, mucositis, hypersalivation, dysgeusia), skin disorders ( hand-foot syndrome, cracks, dryness, pruritus, folliculitis), peripheral neuropathies, thrombocytopenia and spontaneous ecchymosis. Side effects of radiotherapy can also be relieved by this medicine. In palliative care, homeopathy can support the physical and psychological vitality of the patient. In addition to basic remedies, the homeopath can also prescribe heteroisotherapies in oncology: homeopathy, based on the law of similars, uses a small dose of the molecule that disturbs the body to detoxify it. The day after chemotherapy, this eliminates the chemicals used in the treatment from the body. These specialties can be found in homeopathic pharmacies4. Homeopathy makes it possible to improve the quality of life of patients, to potentiate chemotherapy (performed in full, at the planned dose, with fewer late sequelae, and better compliance with treatments, etc.)
Written by Raïssa Blankoff, www.naturoparis.com
1.Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot is a general practitioner in Strasbourg. He also practices at the Robertsau Radiotherapy Center, Strasbourg; at the SSR palliative care, Saint-Vincent hospital group; at the Toussaint clinic, Strasbourg. Also responsible for teaching homeopathy at the University of Strasbourg. Delivered : Cancer and homeopathy, unimedica editions, 2012.
2. Rodrigues M Use of alternative and complementary medicine by cancer patients: results of the MAC-AERIO EURCANCER 2010 study John Libbey Eurotext Paris 2010, pp.95-96
3. tude IPSOS 2012
4. To find them: National Syndicate of Homeopathic Pharmacies (120 throughout France)