
Homeopathy is one of the most controversial branches of medical science. In fact, it is a method of treating various diseases by using specific drugs in a certain concentration, resulting in getting rid of these diseases.

This science has only about two centuries of history. For the first time, the doctrine of homeopathy was proposed by the German scientist S. Hahnemann. According to his theory, drugs and substances prescribed for the sick, in a healthy person, would cause symptoms similar to the disease for which they are prescribed. This is what the whole system of homeopathic treatment is based on – to treat like with like.

A homeopath is a doctor who received a higher medical education and completed a course in the specialty “homeopathy”. He must have the skills to prepare medicines, must understand the methods and dosages of their use, as well as possess all general medical knowledge and skills.

Homeopathy: misconceptions and facts

The most common myth about homeopathy is that homeopathy is, in fact, herbal medicine, that is, it is completely based on the use of medicinal herbs. There is some truth in this statement: indeed, herbal medicines are prescribed by homeopaths. However, in addition to plants, these specialists can use minerals, fungi, animal waste products, such as bee or snake venom, and living organisms (some insects, spiders) to prepare medicines. All medicines are prepared according to an individual prescription for each individual patient. The cooking process includes complex combinations of techniques and actions (shaking, rubbing, diluting substances) in a strictly defined sequence.

Another misconception about the work of a homeopath is that this doctor treats everything, and the treatment itself always goes without complications. Of course, a specific doctor can specialize in the treatment of each system and each organ in the human body, for example, an endocrinologist treats disorders of the endocrine system. A homeopath, as a representative of alternative medicine, is usually contacted in cases where narrow medical specialists and the traditional therapy options they proposed could not help. Therefore, it turns out that the homeopath undertakes the treatment of most diseases.

As for complications and a possible deterioration in well-being, there are no unambiguously true statements in this matter. It is known that homeopathy works on the principle of moving from inside to outside, from top to bottom. We are talking about the fact that after the appointment of a drug regimen, for example, against bronchial asthma, if the attacks have passed, but a skin rash has appeared, this indicates that the treatment is moving in the right direction. If the attacks have passed, but headaches have appeared, it means that a mistake was made in the treatment regimen.

Drug exacerbation caused by taking homeopathic medicines occurs quite often and is the norm.

The point of view that a homeopath is engaged in hypnosis or psychotherapy, and the success of treatment depends mainly on the mood and faith of the patient, is also not true. The main effect is just given by medicinal substances and preparations prepared with their use, regardless of how much the patient believes or does not believe in him.

Is a homeopath a doctor?

Of course, a homeopath has the right to provide medical practice only on condition that he received a higher medical education in a general medical specialty, after which he underwent additional highly specialized training in the field of homeopathy. Courses with the subsequent passing of an exam and obtaining a specialty, most often, are organized at medical universities. This situation creates a certain paradox – the specialty “homeopathy” officially exists at higher educational institutions, but homeopaths are not recognized by traditional physicians.

A homeopathic doctor deals with almost all cases of diseases, except for severe chronic forms. His competence includes the diagnosis of the patient, including the use of special methods and devices. The doctor determines the foci of problems in the body, and individually selects a treatment regimen for each patient using homeopathic remedies.

In addition to treatment and diagnosis, the doctor can also prescribe preventive medications, or determine rehabilitation measures for patients after serious illnesses or operations. The use of homeopathic methods of treatment does not exclude the appointment of traditional medicine, and vice versa. The appropriateness of their combination is determined by the attending physician.

The very essence of homeopathy, and its main difference from allopathy, is the principle “homeopathy does not treat a disease, but a person”. That is, the effect of homeopathic treatment is not aimed at the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, but at stimulating the internal resources of the body to fight the disease.

What organs and parts of the body does a homeopath treat?

Homeopathic treatment does not focus on any particular organ or system in the human body. Since homeopaths are considered non-traditional physicians, patients usually turn to them as a last resort when classical treatment regimens have not yielded results.

Treatment in such cases is directed in a complex to the whole organism. A doctor with general therapeutic knowledge in the field of anatomy, pathological physiology and other fundamental medical sciences treats such ailments:

  1. Violations of female reproductive health, genitourinary system: endometriosis, cysts, ovarian dysfunction, infertility, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the tubes, mastopathy, breast cysts.
  2. Autoimmune diseases: goiter, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, nodes and cysts in it.
  3. Blood pressure disorders, headaches of various etiologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, radiculitis and rheumatism, neuralgia, coronary heart disease, tachycardia, heart failure, angina pectoris, pain in the heart.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system: bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema.
  5. Gastrointestinal tract disorders: pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, intestinal dysfunction, liver and gallbladder diseases.
  6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: joints, spine, intervertebral discs.
  7. Tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinitis.
  8. Psoriasis, eczema, herpetic manifestations on the skin, rashes, allergies.
  9. Disorders of the endocrine system.
  10. Diseases of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, sexual dysfunction.
  11. Varicose veins, vascular “asterisks”, atherosclerosis.

In addition, a doctor may specialize in problems such as disorders of the nervous system, sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue, insomnia, and cosmetic deficiencies. Homeopathy helps fight premature skin aging, cellulite, swelling of the legs and face, and excessive sweating.

Some diseases are difficult cases that a qualified homeopath, with a sound appreciation of the abilities of this industry, will not undertake to treat, for example:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • venereal diseases;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • conditions requiring surgical intervention;
  • acute infectious diseases.

What does a pediatric homeopath do and when to contact him

A doctor who has received a higher medical education in the specialty “pediatrics”, and additionally completed training in the specialty “homeopathy”, is a children’s homeopath and can see children.

This doctor examines little patients, diagnoses pathologies and diseases in them, and decides whether it is appropriate to treat them with homeopathy, or whether it is necessary to send the child to the appropriate specialist.

You should contact a pediatric homeopath if:

  • the newborn has injuries and pathologies received during childbirth, jaundice or pathological reactions to the introduction of the vaccine during routine vaccinations;
  • the child is prone to frequent colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis;
  • the baby is characterized by excessive hyperactivity, he is diagnosed with neurosis or vegetative-vascular dystonia, attention deficit disorder;
  • there is a problem of skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, acne;
  • the child suffers from digestive disorders: disorders or constipation, dysbacteriosis, gastritis.

Taking into account the consultation and recommendations of the attending pediatrician, a preventive examination of the child by a homeopathic doctor will not hurt, even if there are no obvious manifestations of any violations.

Conditions and situations when adults need to visit a homeopath

Usually, the help of these doctors is resorted to as the last resort, which makes treatment much more difficult. Of course, if traditional medicine is powerless, you should consult a homeopathic doctor, but it is not at all necessary to wait for this extreme point. In the event that general symptoms of ailments are present, or specific diseases have already been diagnosed, the help of a homeopath may be more effective than drug therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

You should consult a doctor in the presence of chronic diseases (except for severe forms), with certain types of benign tumors, in stressful situations and against the background of general malaise.

Methods used by the doctor for diagnosis and treatment

The basis of the diagnostic process carried out by the homeopath is the questioning of the patient. For the most successful treatment, a doctor who specializes in the selection of individual homeopathic therapy for a particular person may even need such data as the patient’s favorite food, or character traits. The doctor pays attention to the patient’s physique, his lifestyle and typical diet, working and rest conditions, previous diseases and heredity.

After that, the homeopath performs a review, in which he studies the condition of the skin and mucous tissues, feels the torso and limbs of the patient.

In order to supplement the diagnostic picture with more detailed information, the doctor may prescribe standard research methods, for example, laboratory blood and urine tests, ultrasound, electrocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and he can also conduct some examinations: muscle tests, electropuncture diagnostics , iridology, pulse hemoindication and others.

The main and only method of treatment practiced by classical homeopaths is the treatment of like with like. This means that the doctor prescribes to the patient to take those substances that provoke the development of pathological processes. However, due to a specially selected concentration and an extremely low dosage, the opposite effect occurs – recovery.

Another feature of homeopathic treatment is the simplicity of the drug regimen: for each specific stage of treatment, the doctor usually prescribes no more than 2 drugs.

Interestingly, homeopaths are not too fond of local medicines – gels, ointments. This is due to the fact that, according to the main idea of ​​the entire industry, the human body, as a smart self-regulating mechanism, tries to keep the disease at a distance from the internal organs, for example, showing it on the skin, as if on a kind of barrier, thereby, as it were, dropping the “concentration diseases within the body. Blocking this “valve” by healing external manifestations, a person only aggravates the internal state of the body.

As for dietary restrictions, of course, a balanced diet with a normal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is always preferable to extreme weight loss diets, or the typical malnutrition of modern man. Among the special recommendations for homeopathic patients is the rejection of any products containing mint, as this plant is a universal antidote to any homeopathic remedies. You will have to forget about mint and menthol chewing gum, mint tea, mint sweets and mint-flavored toothpaste for a while. The use of coffee is undesirable.

The homeopathic profession is no less responsible than the profession of any physician in traditional medical fields. Patients often come to this doctor at a stage when standard therapy has not given effect, when narrow specialists have signed their own impotence. That is why the homeopathic doctor needs to have deep knowledge in all general branches of medical science, as well as to possess special skills and knowledge in order to recognize the disease and select the most effective therapy.

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