Menopause: a hormonal upheaval
Menopause is not a disease: it is a normal phase in a woman’s life, which corresponds to the stopping of the functioning of the ovaries (and therefore to the stopping of the production of ovarian hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone), most often around the age of 50.
The corollary? The end of menstruation, and an intense hormonal upheaval, causing many symptoms.
This shutdown is carried out gradually, over several years (approximately 5 years). The period leading up to actual menopause is called ” peri-menopause “. The menstrual cycles gradually become irregular, before stopping completely.
Symptoms associated with menopause (climacteric symptoms) can appear early in peri-menopause. They are very variable, in type, intensity and duration, from one woman to another.
However, about 75% of perimenopausal women complain of “vasomotor” symptoms: hot flashes and night sweats in the first place. Disorders that are still present in one in 4 women, 10 years after menopause …
Next come the genital symptoms, described by half of the women, in particular vaginal dryness and atrophy (loss of elasticity and “narrowing” of the vagina).
The procession of other symptoms is long: sleep disorders, mood disorders (irritability, sadness, etc.), urinary disorders, difficulty concentrating, drop in libido, depressive symptoms, weight gain … In the longer term, the hormonal drop results in loss of bone density (risk ofosteoporosis), increased cardiovascular risk and even a risk of cognitive impairment.
So, although menopause is perfectly natural, many women feel the need for medical support to alleviate their symptoms.