Homeopathic medicines to sleep well

Homeopathic medicines to sleep well

Homeopathic medicines to sleep well
Sleep disturbances occur for a variety of reasons. Homeopathy can help in the sense that each treatment is adapted to a particular patient profile. Discover the homeopathic treatment that suits you best to sleep well.

Homeopathy for daytime sleepiness and nocturnal awakening

Nux vomica

The patient on Nux vomica is generally more alert and mentally active during the evening. He wakes up around 3-4 a.m. and goes back to sleep around 6 a.m., making it difficult to wake up. The profile that corresponds to this treatment is that of a susceptible, angry person who sometimes indulges in excess of food and drink.

Dosage : 5 granules of Nux vomica 7 or 9 CH upon waking and at bedtime, or one dose at bedtime


The person being treated with Sulfur is drowsy during the day and is more awake at night, usually between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., then goes back to sleep. Her sleep is disturbed by many thoughts and she complains of being hot in bed, especially in the feet.

Dosage : a dose of Sulfur 9 or 15 CH, once a week


When the patient considers that his insomnia is total and that he is not sleeping all night.

Dosage : 5 granules of Luesinum 15 CH before sleeping


AV Schmukler, Homeopathy from A to Z, 2008

Dr M. Pontis, Sleep disorders, homeopathic approach, www.hrf-france.com

A. Roger, Insomnia and homeopathy – Homeopathic treatment for insomnia, www.naturalexis.com

Nux vomica – Homeopathy, Dosage and indications, www.les-huiles-essentielles.net

Insomnia – Homeopathy, associated symptoms, www.homeopathie-conseils.fr


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