Homeo, hypnosis, osteo…: what alternative medicine for my child?

Parents today want something more natural. Support adapted to each case, each situation. In addition to classic treatments or to overcome small daily ailments, more and more of you are choosing natural! Focus on proven solutions.


Raw materials from plants, but not only!

Homeopathy acts on the energy disorder at the origin of the disease and according to the principle of similarity: a sick person is administered very small doses of a substance which in high doses causes the same symptoms in a healthy person.

To treat what? Winter viruses (colds …), sleep problems, motion sickness, teething …

When?  From 3 months.

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine as a basic treatment 

Herbal medicine is the art of healing through plants. Plants are full of super-powerful active ingredients suitable for the treatment of functional diseases. We use different parts of the plant: leaves, flowers and even buds (gemmotherapy) in the form of herbal teas, fluid extracts of fresh plants, glycerine macerates … 

Note: some plants and essential oils can be toxic for children: only use them under the supervision of a qualified professional!

To treat what?  Abdominal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, ENT problems …

When?  From 3 years in case of presence of alcohol, otherwise before. 


Homeo and phyto

No question of practicing self-medication! A consultation with the doctor is essential to make the diagnosis and rule out a more serious pathology.


Hypnosis, a precious ally 

Hypnosis is a natural state. Like when you are lost in your thoughts … It is easy to use with children, because they are always connected to their imagination, therefore to their unconscious. Hypnosis is performed by a therapist, called a “hypnotherapist”.

To treat what?  Hypnosis makes it possible to mobilize resources to bring children to find solutions to their worries, in the event of nightmares for example, or bedwetting … 

When?  From 1 month and a half.


Osteopathy to gently rebalance

Osteopathy does not treat a disease, it is a manual therapy which aims to restore mobility to the structures of the body, to correct certain imbalances, to release areas of stress, and also to stimulate the self-regulatory mechanisms of the body. ‘organization. Practiced by a specialist, the osteopath, it is recommended for newborns after a difficult birth, then to treat certain difficulties in the baby.

To treat what?  Torticollis, bodily discomfort, sleep problems, sucking difficulties during breastfeeding … 

When? Since birth


Acupuncture, a gentle solution for everyone!

By restoring the flow of energy in the body, acupuncture relieves tension in certain organs, and suddenly improves the health of the body and mind. How? ‘Or’ What ? By stimulating with very fine needles or small balls specific points located on the path of the meridians.

To treat what? In children, it is used in particular to treat growing pains, sleep problems, or to help them release stress.

When? From birth.

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