Homemade watermelon tincture

Watermelon tincture with vodka or alcohol is not popular, because it often turns out watery without the characteristic aroma and taste of fresh fruit. But there is a secret that solves this problem. Next, we will look at the correct drink recipe.

For the preparation of watermelon tincture, any alcohol base is suitable: vodka, diluted ethyl alcohol, purified odorless moonshine or cognac. In the latter case, the drink will have woody notes of aging. The watermelon itself must be ripe, the candied pulp is the best confirmation of this.


  • watermelon pulp – 600 grams;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – 50-100 grams (optional);
  • vanilla sugar – 10 grams (optional).

The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the watermelon and personal preference, you can not sweeten at all.

watermelon tincture recipe

1. The pulp of a ripe watermelon (without white parts, preferably taken closer to the core) cut into pieces. Remove bones.

2. Grind the peeled pulp in a blender or with a fork until a thick, homogeneous juice is obtained.

3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum. Cook, stirring constantly, until 60-70% of the volume has evaporated. It is necessary to remove as much water as possible, obtaining a juice concentrate, but at the same time the pulp should not burn to the bottom or walls of the pan.

4. Cool watermelon syrup to room temperature, then pour into a container for infusion – into a glass bottle or jar.

5. Add vodka and vanilla sugar, mix until smooth. To taste. Sweeten with regular sugar or fructose if desired.

6. Close the jar tightly. Transfer to a dark, warm place for 7-10 days. Shake every 2-3 days.

7. Filter the finished homemade watermelon tincture through cheesecloth, do not squeeze the cake, but simply let the liquid drain.

8. Bottle the drink for storage. Close hermetically. Before tasting, leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or cellar. Serve the tincture well chilled. If a layer of sediment or turbidity appears to improve the color, you can filter the tincture through cotton wool, filtration will not affect the taste. Shelf life away from sunlight up to a year. Fortress – 32-35%.

Homemade watermelon tincture

Watermelon tincture on vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – recipe

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