Homemade vodka with apple flavor

To prepare 1 liter of real Calvados, tens of liters of apple juice are needed. If there are not so many fruits, you can insist vodka or moonshine on fresh apples, then make a second distillation. Organoleptic properties of homemade apple vodka are similar to Calvados.

Apples of any variety are suitable, preferably firm and fragrant. The alcohol base must be of high quality, otherwise the pungent smell of the fuselage will neutralize the subtle apple notes. Use good vodka, purified moonshine, or diluted ethyl alcohol.


  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 2 liters;
  • apples – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 liters.

apple vodka recipe

1. Wash the apples, cut into small pieces, remove the core and seeds.

2. Fold the pieces (with peel) in a jar, pour vodka (moonshine).

3. Close the lid tightly, put for 8-10 days in a dark, warm place for infusion.

4. Filter apple infusion through gauze.

5. Pour the liquid part into the distillation cube, hang the apples themselves in gauze on top as shown in the photo so that the solid particles do not burn during the distillation process.

Homemade vodka with apple flavor

6. Pour water into the cube through the apples. This will wash off the remaining alcohol, and the fortress will decrease to a level that is safe for distillation.

Distilling moonshine stronger than 20% is explosive!

7. Distill the infusion on a moonshine still. If a dry steamer (reflux condenser) is provided in the design, it is better to remove it, since this device takes away some of the aromatic substances.

8. Pour the first 50-80 ml of the output into a separate container, if this is not done, apple vodka will become cloudy when diluted with water due to the high concentration of fusel oils.

9. Finish the distillation when the fortress falls below 40 degrees.

10. Dilute the apple distillate with water to the desired strength (40-45%). Before use, keep for 2-3 days in a dark, cool place in a hermetically sealed glass container. You will get soft moonshine (vodka) with a light apple flavor.

Homemade vodka with apple flavor

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