Homemade tricks for a headache. It works!

Headache is one of the most common ailments we face. There are many causes and types of headache, from dehydration to migraines. However, you do not have to reach for pharmacological agents right away. There are many natural home remedies to alleviate your symptoms and prevent them from recurring.


You will be surprised, but this is not a grandma’s method, but a scientifically proven fact! In 2014, a study was conducted on a group of 100 people suffering from migraines. Patients were divided into two groups: taking the commonly used migraine treatment and consuming ginger powder. It turned out that the effectiveness of ginger did not differ from pharmacotherapy, and the patients of both groups were equally willing to continue their therapies. It is worth trying a natural alternative that will further enrich a healthy diet. The only contraindication is an allergy to ginger.

Lavender oil

Essential oils are very often used in home treatments for simple diseases. They help to relieve the symptoms of stress and relax the body. According to a smaller study published in European Neurology, inhalation of lavender oil helps to reduce symptoms caused by migraine.

Lavender flower can be used with koi as a component of herbal mixtures to support the body in the event of headaches. Order today Light head – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which includes, among others just a lavender flower.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Stretching and yoga

Practicing yoga has many benefits as well as a beneficial effect on the human body. It helps reduce stress and tension, improve overall health and relieve pain. Practicing it regularly can reduce the pain you feel and the frequency with which you experience headaches. In addition, yoga, like any physical activity, contributes to the reduction of pain due to the release of endorphins – the so-called happiness hormones.

Massage with a tennis ball

If you have a tennis ball on hand, be sure to try a back, neck and shoulder massage with it. It is a gadget that does not take up too much space and works great as a massager. You can also use professional massages and put yourself in the hands of a specialist.

Soothing compresses

When you have a headache, you can use compresses. According to scientists, applying a cold compress to the forehead, neck and nape reduces inflammation and slows down nerve conduction, thanks to which the perceived pain is significantly reduced. Extreme temperatures should be avoided by people suffering from diabetes, skin problems and cardiovascular disorders.


Sometimes a quick and effective solution is to have a cup of coffee or tea. Caffeine contained in the drink constricts blood vessels and improves general well-being. Interestingly, caffeine helps make some pain medications more effective. Abruptly discontinuing coffee can also cause headaches. In the case of migraine pain, caffeine will not help, and may even exacerbate the symptoms.

Drinking water

It’s amazing how often a headache is caused by dehydration. Especially in autumn and winter, when we drink much less cold drinks. In order for the symptoms to subside, it is enough to ensure adequate hydration of the body. Drink water and see if headaches occur less frequently.

Healthy sleep

Not getting enough sleep or sleeping for too long can contribute to the body’s headache response in some people. Take care of proper sleep hygiene every day, and when you suspect that your well-being is the result of a torn night’s sleep, take a nap. It helps a lot.


At home, you can try two methods related to acupressure. The first is to apply pressure to the point on your left hand (the point marked as LI-4), exactly between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure to this area in circular motions for about five minutes.

The second way to relieve tension headaches is to use an acupressure mat. On its surface, the mat has miniature spikes that press against the body while lying down. Users highly appreciate the effects of such home therapy.

Less alcohol

Drinking alcohol has a big influence on the occurrence of headaches in most people. In addition, it contributes to migraine attacks in up to one-third of people who experience headaches regularly. It can cause tension and cluster pain.

Alcohol has a vasodilating effect, which is one of the causes of headaches, and is diuretic, causing loss of fluid and electrolytes in the body.


Certain foods or mineral deficiencies are also among the most popular migraine triggers. Headaches can be caused by a magnesium deficiency.

According to some sources, recurring headaches may be associated with histamine hypersensitivity. Histamine is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is essential for the functioning of the immune, digestive and nervous systems. However, some people are unable to excrete it properly. The resulting excess histamine can cause unwanted body reactions. In this case, eliminate long-maturing and fermented foods from your diet, especially: mature cheese, fermented foods, beer, wine, smoked fish and cold cuts.

Herbal tea for headache. Buy today at Medonet Market!

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

Also read:

  1. What does the headache in front show?
  2. Sinus headache – causes, symptoms, treatment, home remedies. Sinus headache medications
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