Homemade toffee tincture (liquor) instant

In the West, even such famous companies as De Kuyper and Bols produce toffee liqueur. This is a dessert spirit, which is served in its pure form, added to cocktails and coffee. It is difficult to find such a drink in Russia, it is easier to make a toffee tincture at home. Moreover, for naturalness, cook the candy base yourself. Although the drink is made by infusion, but due to the high sweetness, in fact, a liquor is obtained with a characteristic toffee aroma and taste, as if drinking candy. The advantage is that the entire cooking process takes no more than 3 days.

Vodka, white rum, well-purified moonshine or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45% are suitable as an alcohol base. The best option is rum, then the taste will be balanced without alcohol notes.

Iris – sweets obtained by boiling the milk base with sugar and butter or vegetable fat. Instead of homemade toffees, you can use purchased sweets (start from step 3 in the recipe), but due to the presence of stabilizers, dyes and other chemical additives, it is difficult to predict the taste of the tincture in advance.


  • butter – 30 grams;
  • brown sugar – 200 grams;
  • vodka (rum, moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 liters;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

toffee tincture recipe

1. Add butter, sugar and salt to a heavy bottomed saucepan. Heat over medium heat, boil for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly (otherwise it will burn) until sugar and butter are completely dissolved. You should get a homogeneous thick substance of a light brown color characteristic of toffee sweets (as in the photo).

2. Remove mixture from heat and pour while still hot onto baking parchment. Wait until the mass hardens, then break the toffee with a hammer, rolling pin or the bottom of the pan into small pieces – the smaller, the better.

3. Transfer the crushed toffee to the infusion container. Pour in the alcohol base (vodka, rum, etc.). Mix, seal tightly.

4. Leave the container for 1-2 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake every 8-12 hours. Infusion can be completed when the toffee is completely dissolved in alcohol.

5. Strain the resulting tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze to remove the remaining more or less large particles.

Attention! The drink will be cloudy and with a little foam near the surface. For transparency, filtration through cotton wool or a coffee filter is necessary, but due to the high content of proteins and fats in butter, the whole process takes a long time, so filtration can be omitted.

6. Pour the finished tincture (liquor) from toffee into a jar, close. Leave for a day in the refrigerator. A layer of oil may appear on the surface (especially if there was no filtration), which must be carefully collected with a spoon.

7. Pour the drink into a storage bottle, seal tightly. You can start tasting. I recommend serving the drink cold.

The shelf life of homemade toffee liqueur is up to 2 years. Fortress – 18-20% vol.

Homemade toffee tincture (liquor) instant

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