Homemade tincture on pomelo peels

Pomelo (the second name is sheddok) is an exotic citrus fruit, remembered for its thick peel. It is from the zest of the pomelo that you can make the original tincture on vodka or other strong alcohol, and eat the pulp. It will turn out a drink with a light floral-citrus aroma, in the taste of which notes of lemon, grapefruit and rose are felt.

A pomelo is suitable for cooking with a pronounced, felt at a distance, smell, which indicates the ripeness of the fruit. The peel should be elastic, shiny and smooth. The color of the pomelo indicates the variety, not the ripeness. You can use greenish, reddish and yellowish fruits, so long as they are not brown and blackened. Any alcohol base: vodka diluted with water up to 40-45% ethyl alcohol, well-purified moonshine and even cheap cognac (lovers of woody notes will like it).


  • pomelo – 1 piece (medium);
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar (honey, fructose) – 50-150 grams.

The amount of sugar depends on the desired sweetness. I advise you to adhere to the proportions in the recipe, and sweeten the finished drink to taste.

Pomelo tincture recipe

1. Wash the fruit in hot water and wipe dry to get rid of the preservative covering the surface.

2. Peel for vegetables or carefully remove the zest from the pomelo with a knife – the top layer of the peel without white pulp.

Attention! The fruit is slightly bitter on its own, if a lot of pulp gets into the tincture, the drink will turn out to be very bitter like a mixture. Try to peel as much as possible.

3. Fold the zest into a container for infusion – a glass bottle or jar. Add 50 grams of sugar and juice squeezed from a quarter of a peeled pomelo. Pour in the alcohol base.

Sugar and juice make the taste softer, but you can limit yourself to insisting only on the peel of the pomelo.

4. Stir, seal tightly. Transfer the container to a dark place (cover) at room temperature. Leave for 25-30 days. Shake every 4-5 days.

5. Ready tincture pomelo filter through gauze, slightly squeezing the zest. Taste the drink, add more sugar if desired (to reduce the strength, you can dilute it with water), mix.

6. Pour into bottles for storage, seal tightly. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Shelf life – up to 5 years. If sediment appears at the bottom, filter through cotton wool or a coffee filter. Fortress – 32-36%.

Homemade tincture on pomelo peels
After filtering through cotton

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