Spotykach is a Ukrainian version of berries and (or) fruit liquor made with strong alcohol. The drink differs from similar tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs by the heat treatment of raw materials during preparation and the introduction of an alcohol base into a hot brew. Spotykach fortress – 16-22% vol., sugar content – 18-25%. The classic recipe is easy to reproduce at home.
Historical information
The first written records of the spotykach are dated back to the 10th century. Usually women were engaged in making – one housewife could have more than XNUMX types of drink. Because of its high sweetness, spotykach was considered a ladies’ liquor.
During the Soviet era, several factories produced spottykach and even exported it, but the drink never really became popular. The assortment of modern alcoholic companies also has similar spirits.

Stumbling is named because of the effect that occurs when it is used – even after decent doses, the mind remains clear, a person understands everything and can maintain a conversation, but there are problems with coordination of movements – when trying to get up and walk, most “tasters” stumble.
How to make a stomp
Traditional raw materials for the preparation of spotykach: cherries, plums, black currants, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apricots, cranberries, mountain ash and grapes. In fact, everything that grows in Ukrainian gardens.
You can also make a stumble by mixing different berries and fruits in one drink, but it is important to choose the right combinations and proportions so that the raw materials do not interrupt the taste and aroma of each other. Popular options: cherry and blackcurrant (2:1), raspberry and blueberry (2:1), black and red currant (2:1), apricot and peach (1:1), cherry and gooseberry (2:1), white currant and strawberry (1:1).
- berries and fruits (one type or mixture) – 1 kg;
- vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,75 liters;
- sugar – 300-450 grams (to taste);
- water – 0,5 liters.
Bones from cherries, plums and other fruits can not be removed, heat treatment and a relatively large amount of sugar neutralize the effect of hydrocyanic acid and other harmful substances.
Store-bought vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water up to 40-45%, or well-purified odorless moonshine, preferably fruit or neutral sugar, but not grain, is suitable as an alcohol base.
The amount of sugar depends on the initial sweetness of the berries and personal preference. The optimal solution is to add 200-250 grams during cooking, and add the rest of the sugar to your taste in the finished spotykach.
Classic stomp recipe
1. Place the washed berries (fruits) in a cooking pot, add water and sugar (half of the amount indicated in the recipe).
2. Bring to a boil while stirring. After boiling, reduce the heating power to a minimum. Cook for 20-30 minutes without a lid until the skin on shriveled fruits begins to burst.
3. Add an alcohol base directly to the berry mixture – vodka, alcohol or moonshine. Stir, bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat and cover with a lid.
Attention! Alcohol is a flammable liquid, so add alcohol carefully. For safety reasons, it is better to remove the pan from the stove, pour in the alcohol, then put it back on the fire.
4. Cool the future spotykach to room temperature, together with berries and fruits, pour into a container for infusion (glass jar), close tightly. If the sweetness of the drink does not suit you, first add sugar to taste and mix.
5. Infuse for 10-14 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake every 2-3 days.
6. Strain the liqueur through gauze, squeeze the fruit dry. If desired, the drink can be filtered through cotton wool or a coffee filter. Thanks to this departure from the classic recipe, spotykach will become transparent, but the taste will not change.
7. Taste, sweeten with sugar again if desired. Pour into bottles for storage, seal tightly. Leave for at least 2-3 days (preferably a couple of weeks) in a dark, cool place to stabilize the taste.

If stored in a refrigerator or basement, the shelf life of homemade spotykach is up to 3 years. Fortress – 16-20% vol.
PS Some researchers believe that in addition to the berry spotykach, a spicy version with spices was prepared using the same technology, even “old” recipes are given. It remains only unclear where Ukrainian peasants of the 100th century obtained nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, saffron, vanilla and other ingredients. In those days, villagers could only make mint spotykach: 1 grams of fresh mint, 2 liter of alcohol base, XNUMX cups of sugar and water each.