Homemade scrubs for cellulite – this is an excellent help in the fight against lipodystrophy, this is how this problem, known to many women, is called in medical language. You can prepare a composition that is beneficial for the skin and detrimental to fat on your own, if you know which components will work most actively. Moreover, this does not require significant financial investments.
A properly prepared scrub can also partially replace anti-cellulite wraps, which require a more impressive investment of time.
Action of anti-cellulite scrubs
One of the most significant differences between anti-cellulite scrubs and body wraps is their effect on the body. It will take some time for the wrap to take effect, sometimes up to an hour. The scrub starts working almost instantly. The components that make up homemade body cleansers start many processes in the body.
The action of anti-cellulite scrubs is as follows:
The pores on the skin are deeply cleansed. They get the opportunity to fully perform their most important function, namely, they allow the dermis to “breathe”, saturating it with oxygen from the outside.
There is a resorption of plaques located in the blood vessels. As a result, blood flow increases, toxins are removed from the body faster. It has long been known that they are the cause of the formation of cellulite.
As a result of the activation of metabolism, fat cells are involved in this process. As a result, they begin to dissolve and transform into the energy needed by the body.
The dead skin layer is removed, starting the natural process of its regeneration.
During the procedure, self-massage is performed due to the active rubbing of the product into the skin.
Local detoxification is achieved due to the work of the active components that make up the scrub.
With regular use of anti-cellulite scrubs, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and cellulite gradually disappears. However, it should be understood that it is impossible to achieve an effect using only scrubs. In parallel, it is necessary to exercise, monitor nutrition, and do anti-cellulite massage. If time and money allow, you can contact a specialized clinic for the treatment of cellulite.
Rules for the use of scrubs
It is not difficult to prepare a useful and effective remedy for fighting cellulite at home. However, if you do not know the rules for using scrubs, you can harm your health. Firstly, there are categories of people for whom it is contraindicated to use such means.
They should not be used in the following diseases and conditions of the body:
The period of bearing a child;
The presence of open wounds on the skin, or fresh scars and scars at the site of the intended treatment;
Diseases in the acute stage;
skin infections;
Hypersensitivity of the skin.
Secondly, before you start preparing a particular recipe, you should carefully read all the components that make up their composition. It is desirable that they are always freely available (this way it will be possible to exclude missing a session of fighting cellulite). In addition, a person should not be allergic to any of the components that make up the product applied to the skin.
In addition, you need to consider the following recommendations regarding the use of anti-cellulite scrubs:
Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to perform a simple test for individual sensitivity. To do this, the prepared composition must be applied to the elbow bend. If within 60 minutes an allergic reaction in the form of redness or itching does not occur on the skin, then the remedy can be safely used. Do the same with all new scrubs.
It is important to steam the skin well before starting the procedure. To do this, draw hot water into the bath and spend at least 20 minutes in it. You should make sure that the water does not cool down and add it all the time.
Scrub should only be applied to areas that cause discontent. Do not treat the entire surface of the body with an anti-cellulite scrub. Apply the scrub along the massage lines.
Rub the prepared mixture in a circular motion. You can at this time tap on the skin with your fingertips or directly with your palms.
Massage is practically inseparable from the procedure for fighting cellulite with the help of scrubs. Massage each problem area for 5 minutes.
Normal and dry skin should not be scrubbed more than twice a week.
After the session, the scrub from the body must be washed off with warm water. It is best to use either filtered or still mineral water for this purpose.
The anti-cellulite agent applied at the end of the procedure helps to enhance the effect.
Given all these rules, it will be possible to equate the home procedure for combating cellulite with a salon one. The main thing is to choose a scrub recipe that suits your skin type and personal preferences.
Cellulite coffee scrub
Coffee scrub for cellulite is popular with women for a reason. The fact is that particles of ground coffee or coffee grounds give an excellent peeling effect. The pores are cleansed of dirt and fat, the vessels expand, excess fluid is removed from the cells, all this is due to the caffeine that is part of the scrub. Natural antioxidants have a rejuvenating effect.
To prepare a coffee scrub for cellulite, you need to take only natural ground coffee. It is necessary to pay attention to its expiration date and storage conditions.
Instead of ground coffee, you can use coffee grounds, which are left over from strong brewed coffee. But the composition of the thick should not contain milk, cream, sugar and other additives.
Coffee grounds can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Coffee should be pre-boiled, and not just poured with boiling water.
To prepare a scrub, the grains must be ground and mixed with any shower gel so that the composition acquires a thick consistency.
There are also other variations of coffee anti-cellulite scrubs. You can add to coffee:
Tincture of hot pepper and a few drops of olive oil (such a scrub is aged in a dark place for a week before use);
Natural yogurt (6 tablespoons) and a spoonful of cognac (for 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds);
Honey, while the proportion of honey – coffee should be 2 to 1.
Salt scrub for cellulite
A salt-based scrub perfectly removes keratinized particles of the dermis, accelerates cell regeneration, and enhances blood circulation. Sea salt nourishes the skin with microelements included in its composition, including: iron, iodine, magnesium, etc. After such a procedure, the skin will resemble a velvet peach in tactile sensations.
To prepare a scrub, you need to mix sea salt with olive oil and add 3 drops of essential orange and rosemary oils, which have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.
Various variations of the preparation of a salt scrub from cellulite are also possible:
Salt + honey (mixed in equal proportions);
Coffee + sea salt (mixed in equal proportions);
Salt + cane sugar + vegetable oil (3 tablespoons of sugar and salt per 100 ml of oil);
Salt + olive oil + zest of one lemon or grapefruit.
Cellulite Sugar Scrub
Sugar scrub is best made using cane sugar. It contains useful vitamins and minerals that will nourish the skin. However, you need to find real cane sugar, and not the usual white, which many manufacturers simply tint.
A feature of this scrub is that in the process of its direct application and rubbing, the size of sugar particles decreases. As a result, a smooth transition from hard peeling to soft cleansing is achieved. Melting sugar grains avoids excessive skin irritation.
The following composition is considered to be the classic recipe for preparing a sugar scrub for cellulite: half a glass of any oil (preferably olive or grape) is taken for one glass of sugar, 10 drops of orange or grapefruit essential oil are added to it. All this must be mixed and applied to the steamed skin with massage movements.
Of course, cellulite sugar scrub can be used with coffee grounds, honey, and sea salt. You can choose any recipe that will meet individual preferences.
Cellulite honey scrub
Cellulite honey scrub has a pronounced tightening effect, has an effect similar to lifting procedures, helps to normalize the water-salt balance, and accelerates the process of fat breakdown.
Honey contains a huge amount of trace elements that it transfers to the skin during a cleansing session.
To prepare the composition, you need to take one tablespoon of honey and mix it with 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal. To thin the mass, you can add one tablespoon of heavy cream.
Most often, honey is combined with various products that enhance the exfoliating effect. In addition to oatmeal, it can be ground coffee from natural coffee beans, lemon juice, egg white, strawberries or currants, rice flour.
As for the honey itself, its candied form is best suited for making a scrub. Due to the presence of solid particles in it, the abrasive effect is significantly increased. After performing the massage, the scrub should be left on the skin for a few minutes. This will saturate it with useful substances and enhance the anti-cellulite effect. After the procedure, the honey scrub should be washed off under running warm water.
Cellulite Lemon Scrub
To prepare a lemon cellulite scrub, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add 5 tbsp. spoons of sea salt, the juice of half a lemon, 6 drops of lemon essential oil and the zest of a whole fruit. Such a shock dose of vitamin C will achieve the maximum anti-cellulite effect. Sea salt can be replaced with sugar, oatmeal, ground apricot kernels, coffee grounds.
By supplementing the fight against cellulite with the help of scrubs by maintaining an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, taking vitamins, observing the drinking regime, giving up bad habits, anti-cellulite massage and using anti-cellulite creams, you can see the desired effect in the shortest possible time.