Homemade quince liqueur

Homemade quince liqueur is remembered for its rich quince aroma with hints of vanilla and a characteristic sweet and sour taste with light astringent notes in the aftertaste.

Any variety of quince is suitable: ordinary or Japanese. The more aromatic the fruit, the better. Before cooking, blackened, rotten and moldy parts must be cut out, otherwise they will spoil the taste.

As an alcohol base, you can take vodka, odorless double distillation moonshine (preferably fruity) or ethyl alcohol diluted with water to 40-45%. It is also appropriate to use cognac, then oak notes of aging will appear in the liquor.

Quince liqueur recipe


  • quince – 500 g;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 800 ml;
  • sugar – 100-200 g;
  • water – 100-200 g (to reduce the strength, not necessary);
  • citric acid – a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar – on the tip of a knife or 1 drop of vanilla essence (optional).

The amount of sugar can be adjusted at your discretion, if it turns out not sweet enough, just add another serving or sugar syrup at the end of cooking. Water lowers the strength and helps dissolve the sugar. Citric acid slightly increases the acidity so that the taste is not too astringent and cloying. Vanilla brings an interesting note to the aroma, but you can not add it.

Technology of preparation

1. Cut the washed quince into 2 parts. Remove the core (seed box) and bones that may be bitter.

2. Grind the pulp with the peel on a coarse grater and put in a glass container for infusion.

3. Add sugar (minimum 100 g), citric acid and vanilla sugar (essence). Shake the container so that the sugar is more or less evenly distributed.

4. Pour in the alcohol base. Mix.

The alcohol base should completely cover the quince pulp by 1-2 cm, if necessary, add more vodka.

5. Seal tightly. Leave for 20 days in a dark room at room temperature. Shake every 2-3 days.

6. Strain the finished quince liquor through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze the pulp dry.

7. Taste the drink. Sweeten with sugar if desired and stir. You can also use sugar syrup (mix water and sugar in equal proportions, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes, removing foam, then cool to room temperature).

8. Pour the quince liqueur into a storage bottle, close tightly. Leave in the refrigerator or cellar for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste.

If the drink is cloudy, it can be filtered through cotton wool or a coffee filter to improve its appearance.

The shelf life of homemade quince liquor is up to 3 years. Fortress – 25-32% vol.

Homemade quince liqueur

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