Homemade pomegranate wine recipe

The first factory-made pomegranate wines began to be made in Israel about 30 years ago. A little later, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey adopted the positive experience. Amateur winemakers also could not ignore this delicious healthy fruit, so the technology for making wine from pomegranates at home appeared. In our realities, pleasure is not cheap, but this does not stop enthusiasts.

The disadvantage of pomegranates for winemaking is that they contain too much acid, the influence of which must be leveled, otherwise it is impossible to achieve normal fermentation. The problem is solved by adding water and a relatively large portion of sugar. Almost all store-bought pomegranate wines are made using the same technology. The exception is Israel, where a variety of pomegranates grows, the fruits of which have low acidity and a high sugar content, they are suitable even for making dry wine. You can make homemade pomegranate wine from your own or purchased pomegranates. The higher the sugar content, the tastier the drink will be. Before squeezing the juice, the pomegranate must be carefully sorted out, removing rotten and moldy ones, bad pulp, if it enters the must, can irrevocably spoil the wine. Used containers are pre-sterilized with boiling water.


  • pomegranate fruits – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 350 grams per liter of juice;
  • water – 50 ml per liter of juice.

Pomegranate wine recipe

1. 3-4 days before working with the fruits, prepare a starter for wine or purchase special wine yeast. Pomegranate juice may not ferment on its wild yeast, so I advise you to play it safe by adding active yeast from raisins or berries to the wort.

It is wine yeast that you need to buy, for bakery or alcohol yeast it will turn out not wine, but mash.

2. After the starter is ready, wash the pomegranates well, peel and white film, which is very bitter.

3. Transfer the peeled grains to the juice in any way.

4. Pour the juice with the pulp into a saucepan with a wide neck, add water, sugar (150 grams per liter of juice) and sourdough (or dilute the yeast according to the instructions), mix well.

5. Bandage the neck of the container with gauze, transfer to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. Stir the wort once a day with a wooden stick or a clean hand.

6. After 3-4 days, there will be a sour smell, hiss and foam on the surface. This means that the wort has successfully fermented. It’s time to strain it through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth for pure juice.

7. Squeeze out the pulp (the solid part remaining after filtration) with gauze or a press, mix the resulting juice with the filtered one.

8. Add sugar (100 grams per liter) to the fermented juice, mix well and pour into a fermentation container. I advise you to fill the bottle to a maximum of 3/4 of the volume, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide.

9. Install a water seal or medical glove with a small hole in the finger. Move the container to a dark warm room (18-25°C). It is very important to maintain a stable temperature during the fermentation period.

Homemade pomegranate wine recipe
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

10. 4 days after installing the water seal, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of juice. To do this, open the container, drain 1 liter of wort, dilute sugar in it, pour the syrup into the wort and reinstall the water seal.

11. After another 4 days, add the remaining sugar (50 grams / liter) in the manner described in the previous step.

12. After 35-50 days, active fermentation will stop (the water seal will stop bubbling or the glove will deflate, the wine will brighten, sediment will appear at the bottom). If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the start of preparation, you need to drain the wine from the sediment and put it under a water lock at the same temperature.

Drain the fermented young pomegranate wine from the sediment into another clean container through a thin tube. To taste. If desired, add sugar for sweetness or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume of wine.

13. Fill storage containers up to the neck so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically. Transfer the drink to a dark room with a temperature of 5-16°C and keep for 4-6 months. Long exposure removes sharpness, making the taste of wine balanced. Once a month filter the sediment by transfusion.

Homemade pomegranate wine recipe

14. The wine is ready, if the sediment no longer appears, then you can pour the drink into bottles for storage and close with corks. Store in the refrigerator or cellar, shelf life up to 3 years. The result is 1,5-2 liters of homemade pomegranate wine with a strength of 11-13 degrees with an original delicate taste and a slight smell of pomegranates. The drink goes well with fruits and dessert dishes.

How to make POMEGRANATE WINE Homemade 🍷 Homemade Wine with 13% of Alcohol 🤪ITALIAN Style Red Wine

Pomegranate wine – general information

It is believed that wine is only that which is made from grapes. Everything else is tinctures: plum, apple, whatever! But there is one fruit that has turned the wine world upside down: the pomegranate.

Pomegranate wine cannot be called tincture, because it is wine. In general, 20-30 years ago, people did not even believe that this was possible, although the fruit itself has been known to mankind for a very, very long time. Attempts to make wine from pomegranate, by the way, have been made before, but they were unsuccessful.

pomegranate wine

The fact is that not every variety of this fruit is suitable for the production of pomegranate wine. More often than not, pomegranates don’t have enough sugar (yes!) to support natural fermentation. So, again, there are only a few varieties of pomegranate that have sufficient sugar content and juiciness to make good wine from them.

As a result, pomegranate wine is not produced everywhere.

The first such wine was made in Israel. Only dry, natural wines are produced here now. Perhaps the most famous brand under which pomegranate wine is produced here is Rimon.

pomegranate wine

In countries closer to us, pomegranate wines are also produced. For a long time, only those varieties of pomegranates that are suitable for making wine were grown in Armenia. Both dry and semi-sweet pomegranate wines are produced here. By the way, in Russia, it is quite easy to find Armenian pomegranate wine.

Recently, they began to produce pomegranate wine in Azerbaijan as well. More precisely, pomegranate wine has been made here for a long time, but more like homemade, more like a tincture. But now you can buy good Azerbaijani pomegranate wine, but it is more likely to be sweet or semi-sweet.

How pomegranate wine is made

pomegranate wine
In fact, everything is standard, as in conventional winemaking. The fruits are partially peeled, placed in fermentation tanks. Upon reaching the alcohol content of 6-7% fermentation is stopped. Then everything is classical: the drink is placed in oak barrels and aged.

How to drink pomegranate wine

Pomegranate wines are still sweeter than grape wines, but not cloying. Such wines are drunk very easily, you can even without snacks. By the way, these wines are very “drunk”. If you need snacks for wine, then give preference to fruits or sweet desserts. And a bonus, which you may not believe, but pomegranate wine is considered to be much healthier than grape wine. And, in principle, useful. It is believed that it prolongs youth, helps fight cancer (it doesn’t cure, of course, but it’s prevention), and it’s also good for the heart.
pomegranate wine
Whether you believe it or not is not important, as we still advise you to try pomegranate wine at least once. At least for the sake of experiment.


  1. با سلام..به نظرم هر نوع شراب از نظر قرآن کریم حرام است..سعی نکنید در این دنیا از این نوع نوشیدنی که حرام است استفاده کنید…سو تفاهم نباشه..دنیای آخرت شراب طوبی همه بنوشیم

  2. آقای علی افشاری لطفاً کس نگو داداچ .

  3. منم موافقم کس نگو

  4. درخواب وخیال به به سر می بری😂

  5. نقدو ول کردی دنبال نسیه نباش هروقت رفتی اونطرف شراب طوبی هم میزنی

  6. چه کسی تو این دنیا نون حلال خورده که ما بیایم شرابشو بخوریم …می بخور منبر بسوزان ….مردم آزاری نکن

  7. ممنون از پست عالی درباره شراب انار استفاده کردم و درست کردیم تا چی دربیاد ممنون

  8. شاه کوسم شازده کوسم از اینجا تا تهرون تو کوسم
    از پشم کوسم قالیچه شاه بافته شده
    راستای خیابون تو کوسم
    هر چی چناره به کوسم

  9. تهیه شراب قرمز بدون شکر و مخمر:
    بهترین انگور را انتخاب کنید به نام انگور شاهانی ( در اصطلاح انگور شانی ) ،
    دانه های آنرا با انگشت له گنید عزیزان هرگز آب نزنید یعنی انگور را نباید بشویید ،
    دانه های له شده را در یک ظرف در دار ( چلیک های 4 لیتری ) بریزید
    روی در چلیک یک بشقاب بگذارید به طوری که مایع بتواند نفس بکشد .
    تا 48 ساعت بگذارید استراحت کند . بعد آن یکبار صبح و یکبار عصر با یک قاشق بلند یا یک چوب مایع را بهم بزنید بعد از حدود یک ماه شراب آماده است . با الک یا پارچه آنرا صاف کنید تفاله انگور را جدا و دور بریزید ( تفاله کود خوب گیاهی برای باغچه تان است ) شراب صاف شده را در بطری بکمک یک قیف ریخته و بطری را که محتوی شراب است با در باز در یک ظرف مناسب گذاشتا و در مقداری آب ( معمولا نصف ارتفاع بطری ) قرار داده و آنرا با شعله آتش تا دمای 80′ درجه سانتیگراد گرم کنید مواظب باشید آب نچوشد بعد از 6 یا 7 دقیقه بطری ها را از آب داغ خارج کنید این عمل برای انست که شراب کپک نزند مواظب باشید آب وارد بطری نشود میتوانید قبل از وارد کردن شراب داخل بطریها بطری ها را در اب جوش استرلیزه کنید حالا در بطری ها را محکم به بندید به طوری که هوا وارد بطری نشود و برای انبار کردن بطری ها حتما به صورت خوابیده بطری ها را به چینید این عمل از وارد شدن هوا به داخل بطری جلوگیری میکند .
    به این ترتیب پس از یک ماه بهترین شراب را بدون شکر و بدون yeast آماده کرده اید . نوش جان و گواری وجودشریفتان.

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