According to legend, pomegranate liqueur was a traditional alcoholic drink of the Soviet general secretaries and was called “Kremlin Stars” for its characteristic ruby color. The best grenades were delivered to the government kitchen on a direct flight from Azerbaijan. Only the personal chefs of the leaders knew the exact recipe. Now, anyone can do something similar at home.
Any grenades are suitable for making liquor: homemade or purchased. If only the fruits were ripe, juicy, without rot, blackened grains and mold. Store-bought vodka is often used as an alcohol base, but ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, well-purified moonshine or cheap cognac (adds oak notes to the drink) is also suitable.
- pomegranate fruits – 3 pieces;
- vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 200 gram;
- water – 100-150 ml (optional);
- lemon – 1 piece (optional);
- cinnamon – half a stick (optional).
From a lemon, only zest is required (enriches the aroma of the drink), the pulp with juice can be used for other needs. Water reduces the strength and acidity. If necessary, I advise you to dilute the liqueur at the last stage of preparation, when the taste is almost formed.
pomegranate liqueur recipe
1. Peel the pomegranates in any way, being careful not to splash the juice. Only grains should remain without pulp, which gives bitterness.
2. Crush the grains with a wooden rolling pin. Pour the resulting juice with pulp into a container for infusion – a glass bottle or jar.
3. Scald the lemon with boiling water, rinse in running water and wipe dry, removing the remnants of the preservative from the skin. With a vegetable peeler or gently peel with a knife, remove the zest – the upper yellow part without white pulp. Add fresh lemon zest to the bowl with the pomegranate.
4. Pour in sugar. Mix. Close hermetically. Leave for 5 days in a warm, sunny place, such as a windowsill. Shake once a day.
5. Pour vodka (alcohol, moonshine) into the resulting sugar syrup, add cinnamon if desired (necessarily with a stick). Mix. Close the container with a lid, transfer to a dark place at room temperature. Leave for 10 days. Shake every 2-3 days.
6. Strain the finished pomegranate liqueur through a couple of layers of gauze, squeeze the cake well. Taste the drink. Add more sugar if desired. You can also reduce the strength or acidity by diluting with water.
If you want to add water and sugar at the same time, it is better to boil the syrup, which is cooled to room temperature. After sweetening and (or) dilution, leave the liqueur for 2-3 days in a hermetically sealed bottle to stabilize the taste.
If cloudiness or sediment appears, the drink can be filtered through cotton wool to make it clear. The natural sediment does not affect the taste.
The shelf life of homemade pomegranate liqueur in a hermetically sealed glass container when stored away from direct sunlight is up to 3 years. Fortress – 25-30% (without adding water and a second portion of sugar).