Homemade peach wine

With a sufficient number of fruits, I advise you to make peach wine according to the proposed recipe. It will turn out a fragrant drink of light yellow color with a light pleasant taste and hints of almonds.

Any variety of peaches will do. It is believed that wild varieties containing more acids are more suitable for winemaking, but the wine is more aromatic from cultivated fruits. The main thing is that each peach should be free of rot, spoilage and mold, so at first the raw materials are carefully sorted out. The containers are washed well with boiling water and wiped dry.


  • peaches – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • citric acid – 20 grams (or 5 lemons).

Peaches have a very low acidity, so for normal fermentation, subsequent storage and stabilization of taste, citric acid has to be added.

peach wine recipe

1. Remove seeds from unwashed fruits (so that wild yeast remains). If the peaches are dirty, they can be wiped with a dry cloth.

2. Crush the peel and pulp with your hands until smooth.

3. Put the resulting liquid into a container with a wide neck, for example, a saucepan. Add 1 kg of sugar, water, citric acid (or squeeze the juice of five lemons).

4. Mix well, cover with gauze and put for 2-3 days in a dark place at room temperature. Once a day, mix with a clean hand, drowning in the juice the pulp that has surfaced – particles of peel and pulp.

5. If foam, hissing and a slight sour smell appear (signs of a successful start of fermentation), filter the wort through cheesecloth. Squeeze out the pulp. Squeezes are no longer needed.

6. Pour the resulting juice into a fermentation tank, fill no more than 2/3 of the volume. On the neck, install a water seal or a glove with a hole in one of the fingers (made with a needle).

Homemade peach wine
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

7. Move the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. After 12-36 hours, the water seal will begin to bubble or the glove will inflate. This means that everything is going well.

8. After 5 days from the installation of the water seal, add a second portion of sugar (0,5 kg). To do this, drain 0,5 liters of fermenting juice, dilute sugar in it, then pour the syrup back into the must and seal it with a seal (glove).

9. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (0,5 kg) according to the technology described in the previous paragraph.

10. Active fermentation of peach wine lasts 20-55 days. Its completion is indicated by the absence of bubbles in the water seal (deflated glove), the appearance of a layer of sediment at the bottom and partial clarification of the wort. It’s time to pour the young wine into another container through a thin tube. It is important not to touch the sediment at the bottom.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the start of preparation, so that bitterness does not appear, the wine must be drained from the sediment and put under a water lock to ferment.

11. Assess the taste of the drink. If desired, add more sugar for sweetness or fix with alcohol (vodka) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume. Fortified wine keeps better, but is tougher in taste.

Fill the container with wine to the top (it is desirable that there is no contact with oxygen), tightly close the cork, transfer to a room with a temperature of 5-16 ° C and leave for at least 4-6 months for aging, which will improve the taste. If sugar was added for sweetness, keep the first 7-10 days under a water lock in case of repeated fermentation.

Once every 20-30 days, remove the wine from the sediment, pouring it through a straw into another container, thanks to which the drink will become lighter. Cooking is complete when sediment no longer appears.

12. Pour ready-made homemade peach wine into bottles for storage, seal tightly and store in a refrigerator or cellar. Shelf life up to 3 years. Fortress – 10-12%. Yield – 60-65% of the initial volume.

Homemade peach wine

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