Homemade mini roses: care
Thanks to breeders, now you can admire roses not only in flower beds, but also in indoor pots. Anyone can buy a room rose and even in the coldest season have beautiful flowers with lush greenery on the windowsill.
With proper care, a room rose can bloom as early as 4 months after purchase. When buying, it must be remembered that it is better to purchase a small sprout than a large plant, which later will be difficult to cut and give it the desired shape.
Mini roses come in a wide variety of colors.
After purchasing, the pot is left in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. After 2-3 weeks, it can be transplanted into a pot a few centimeters larger than the previous one. The roots are shaken off the ground, sprayed with a growth stimulant, put in a pot, covered with earth. A universal soil with mineral fertilizers is suitable for a rose. It is imperative to pour a little drainage on the bottom of the pot, it can be small stones or small fragments of brick.
The rose should not be allowed to bloom for the first time, when it gives rise to second-order sprouts, they must be cut off slightly above the bud, obliquely. Sprouts of the third order are also pruned. Only on sprouts of the fourth order can buds form. If you follow these simple tips, you can achieve a beautiful and lush bush.
In winter, the bush must be given rest, for this it is pruned, left in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than 15 degrees. A pallet with wet expanded clay is placed next to it.
Roses in hot spots suffer from the same diseases and are affected by the same pests as ordinary roses in a flower bed. They are affected by aphids, ticks, scale insects, caterpillars, powdery mildew and mold on the pot.
To avoid diseases, it is better to carry out prophylaxis with special, non-toxic drugs once a month and a half. It is important to water the mini-rose in a timely manner about 1 time in 2 days and spray it once a day. By the way, pests are much more likely to grow on dry leaves.
Water for roses needs to be defended for several days or taken warm boiled.
Once a year, the rose needs to be transplanted into a pot more, slightly shaking off the old earth. We must not forget about mineral fertilizers. Since the indoor rose develops and grows quickly, it needs a lot of fertilizer. When it begins to bloom, top dressing is carried out once a week.
With proper care, a room rose can bloom almost constantly, delighting the owners with a delicate floral scent and graceful buds.