Homemade masks to strengthen hair: folk recipes. Video

Homemade masks to strengthen hair: folk recipes. Video

Under unfavorable weather conditions, as well as a lack of vitamins in the body, the hair begins to grow dull, lose elasticity and fall out. You can return them to their former beauty with the help of strengthening masks.

Masks for strengthening hair

Homemade hair masks based on burdock oil

Burdock oil is one of the most popular and effective hair strengthening products. It can be used either alone or mixed with other ingredients. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E and PP, as well as all kinds of trace elements and amino acids. Burdock oil not only strengthens weakened hair, but also stimulates its growth and prevents dandruff.

For the preparation of masks, it is better to use burdock oil, heated to 36-37 degrees. So it penetrates better to the hair roots, therefore, the effect of its use will be higher.

To strengthen dry hair, a burdock oil mask with nettle is ideal. For its preparation, you can use both the juice of a fresh plant and a decoction of dried herbs. In the first case, you need to collect fresh nettle, scald it with boiling water and mince it. The resulting mass should be squeezed through a gauze folded in several layers, then mix a tablespoon of the finished juice with the same amount of burdock oil.

In the second case, before preparing the mask, you need to brew dried and chopped nettle leaves (1 tablespoon of herbs per 100 ml of boiling water), strain the infusion and mix it with burdock oil in a 2: 1 ratio. Since this mask is quite liquid, you can add a little honey to it to make it more convenient to use.

The nettle-burdock mask should be applied to previously washed hair. The composition must be rubbed not only into the scalp, but also evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, including the very ends. After applying the mask, wrap your hair in plastic and cover with a warm towel. Keep the mixture on your hair for at least 20-30 minutes.

To wash off the burdock oil from the hair so that it does not leave behind an oily sheen is quite problematic. To facilitate the procedure, you can use not running water, but boiled water, acidified with a small amount of lemon juice

To strengthen oily hair, a burdock oil mask with the addition of cocoa is suitable. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of cocoa powder with a small amount of warm water. The resulting mushy mass should be combined with beaten egg yolk. Then you need to add 3 tablespoons to this composition. burdock oil and, having mixed everything, rub the mass into the hair roots. It is better to keep the mask under plastic and a warm towel. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour.

Strengthening hair with honey masks

Honey masks are no less useful for hair. They improve the appearance of the hair, return the natural shine to the curls and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp.

Strengthen hair prone to hair loss with a mask made from the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp propolis extract
  • mummy tablet crushed to a powder
  • egg yolk

All components should be thoroughly mixed, the finished composition should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36–37 degrees and rubbed into the scalp and damp hair with intensive massage movements.

Keep the mask under a plastic cap and towel for at least an hour

For brittle hair, a mask made from a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of cognac and egg yolk is suitable. The mixture should be applied to dry hair and kept for 40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the head must be washed with shampoo and rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

A mixture of lemon juice and honey is suitable for strengthening weakened hair. It is necessary to take them in equal proportions and apply to damp hair with a comb. It is enough to keep such a mask on the head for 15–20 minutes.

Egg masks work well for strengthening damaged hair. They nourish hair follicles, prevent dandruff and improve the appearance of hair. To prepare one of them, you need an egg yolk, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. onion gruel (onion grated on a fine grater) and 5 g of brewer’s yeast. All components should be thoroughly mixed, and then evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. You can wash off the mask no earlier than after half an hour.

A mask of two egg yolks and 2 tbsp has a good effect in terms of strengthening hair. freshly squeezed aloe juice

After mixing the components, it is necessary to apply the mass to a damp head, rubbing it especially carefully into the roots and ends of the hair. Keep the composition on your head for 25-30 minutes. The mask (like all egg masks) should be washed off with water at room temperature.

Of course, one procedure is not enough to restore natural strength and shine to the hair, but in most cases, improvements are noticeable after 5-7 masks. They should be done at least two, and preferably three times a week.

Also interesting to read: peeling of the skin on the head.

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