5 ways that really work.
In winter, our skin is attacked on all fronts: outside frost and wind, at home and in the office, batteries that mercilessly dry the air. Here you need to add vitamin deficiency and banal stress. Most of all, in such conditions, the face, hands, but especially the lips suffer. How to help them survive the harsh climate without resorting to expensive cosmetics and procedures, we will tell you in this article.
Honey and brown sugar
Before you start applying moisturizing products, you need to free your skin of dead skin particles. The simplest homemade scrub recipe (which, by the way, is not only suitable for lips) is a mixture of brown sugar and honey in a little olive oil. The scrub gently exfoliates old skin, moisturizes and heals small cracks. Gruel can be applied to lips cleaned with warm water. After a few minutes, you can massage your lips with light finger movements clockwise, after which the scrub can be washed off. For greater effect, you can heat the mixture literally a few degrees (10-15 seconds) in the microwave.
Green tea
The choice of remedy may seem unexpected, but how many times have we heard about the antioxidant properties of green tea? Dr. Janet Sand showed in her Huffpost column that green tea is actually a great moisturizer. Just take a cold, used tea bag and press it to your lips for five minutes.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has been shown to tackle a host of problems and is increasingly being used in skin care. While some are wary of using it in masks and face creams, it can definitely be safely used on lips. Coconut oil contains fatty acids that nourish the lips, and its balsamic texture makes it ideal for frequent use at home or on the go.
Aloe vera
Another essential ingredient that we often turn to for problems like sunburn or irritated skin is aloe vera. The gel in the leaves of aloe vera is an excellent skin moisturizer and also has an excellent cooling and soothing effect. An oblong piece of peeled aloe can be squeezed for 5 minutes between the upper and lower lips, gradually increasing and decreasing the pressure. This is not only a spa treatment for the lips, but also an excellent exercise for strengthening the oval of the face.
Cucumber is a hit on any list of homemade masks! All you need to do is take a piece of cucumber, grate it and put the gruel on your lips for five to ten minutes. After that, the mask can be washed off. Most have a cucumber in the refrigerator, and if not, buying it will definitely not be difficult. Try to always have cucumbers at home. These are real soldiers of beauty. When taken orally, cucumbers saturate the body with potassium, improve the functioning of the heart and kidneys (if the work of which fails, as you know, bags under the eyes appear). Fiber-rich cucumbers help regulate bowel movements (the key to clear skin). External use relaxes, soothes and perfectly moisturizes the skin, since the cucumber consists mainly of water. Here is such an affordable and indispensable component for your home “cosmetic bag”.