Homemade mango liqueur

Mango liqueur is obtained with a characteristic aroma and taste of fruits, complemented by light notes of lemon and cloves. Sweetness can be adjusted to your liking.

Any variety of mango without signs of spoilage, rot and mold will do. The riper the fruit, the better. It is very important that the mangoes have a pleasant aroma, because it will be transferred to the drink. As an alcohol base, you can take vodka, double-distilled moonshine (preferably fruit or sugar), as well as ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45%.

mango liqueur recipe


  • mango – 500-600 g (whole fruit weight) or 250 g dried pulp;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 1,5 l;
  • sugar – 50-150 g (to taste);
  • lemon – half a medium fruit;
  • cloves – 1 bud.

Sugar is best added at the end of cooking, because the sweetness of mangoes varies. Lemon gives a slight sourness and citrus notes, cloves enrich the aroma.

Technology of preparation

1. Peel and remove the seeds from the mango. Grind the pulp with a blender or in any other way to a mushy mass.

2. Put the mango pulp into a glass container for infusion. Add cloves, zest from half a lemon (necessarily without white bitter pulp) and squeeze the juice from this half.

3. Pour in the alcohol base (should completely cover the pulp, add more if necessary). Mix. Close hermetically. Transfer to a dark room at room temperature. Insist 30 days. Shake every 4-5 days.

4. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth, squeeze the pulp dry.

5. Taste the mango liqueur, sweeten with sugar if desired, and stir (until sugar dissolves).

6. Pour into bottles for storage, close tightly. Leave in the refrigerator or cellar for at least 2-3 days to stabilize the taste.

The filling will turn out cloudy and with particles of pulp. If transparency is needed, the drink can be filtered through cotton wool or a coffee filter. Filtration does not affect the taste.

The shelf life of homemade mango liqueur away from direct sunlight is up to 3 years. Fortress – 30-33% vol.

Homemade mango liqueur

Homemade mango lemonade – a simple recipe

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